Saturday, February 3, 2024

One Drawer At A Time

 Last year, I started the process of going through the house one "drawer" at a time.  The purpose of this exercise is to pare down things that I don't use or need and make room for other things that I will use and do need.  While it's not something I do every day, I do try to get several sessions a week in. Of course, with work and school that doesn't happen and if I remember to do it once a week I'm doing pretty good.  But, I must say that I have enjoyed doing this and have actually consolidated things, gotten rid of things, thrown things out, etc.  It's been very beneficial.  And there is nothing like opening a drawer and seeing it organized, knowing exactly what is in there.  That's making things much easier to find.  

When I say drawer, it isn't always drawers which is why I put it in quotations in the first sentence.  Cabinets and surfaces are also included.  I am almost through with the kitchen.  The surfaces still need some work because I'm still dealing with Christmas decor being out, but that's a whole different blog.  This is a fun way for me to do things because I can put on some music and just relax, settle in and get it done.  And by doing one drawer at a time, I am not overwhelmed trying to overhaul an entire room.  I know myself and if I tried to do it that way, nothing would get accomplished.  It really has been fun to see what all is in each drawer and find a better home for it if needed.  I've come across things I'd forgotten I had that I use now.  Like going through the knife drawer, I rediscovered a bread knife and a serrated knife which I have used both a lot since finding them.  

It's a good process for me.  I look forward to seeing how many more "drawers" I get through this month.  I'll keep you posted!

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