Friday, November 8, 2024

Generic Brands

 As an adult, product labels do not mean nearly as much to me as they did when I was a kid/teenager. Back then, the important labels were mostly items of clothing like Reebok sneakers, Levi jeans, Members Only jackets with maybe a few food items thrown in like Coca-Cola.  As an adult...not so much. While I do like well-made clothes and definitely enjoy a good cold Coca-Cola when I can, now I am on the hunt for quality alternatives. 

When I go into a department store, that is when I can find a department store these days, I will go straight to the clearance rack. Now, this does not mean that I will not find well known labels there because I definitely have in the past.  What it means to me is that things that are not popular right now and they simply need to get rid of can still be well made and satisfactory.  But in the end, I could really care less who made the item. If it's well made, it's well made. I'm no longer interested in paying for someone else's name. This is just me.  If it makes others happy, then by all means go for it!

This is also true for me when I am grocery shopping.  And we all know how much I love that.  When I have specific items on my shopping list, my first thought is to search for the store brand.  It is often just as good, if not better, than some big-name brand.  And most often it is only a fraction of the price. Food Lion is my preference when it comes to grocery shopping, and I love their house brands. I have not really had anything with their name on it that I have not enjoyed.  And my bank account has enjoyed it as well.

The point being is that the older I get, I am more concerned with quality and getting my money's worth as opposed to who made what.  Don't get me wrong, I am willing to pay for quality if that is what is required. But often, I can find a replacement just as good and at half the price.  Welcome to adulting! 

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