Friday, July 5, 2024

One Drawer at a Time - Office Update


Well, I have almost finished up doing this process in the office.  I cannot necessarily say that the room looks better than it did before but, in my mind, I know it is in better order.  So, I will happily take it! While working in this room, I got to do some reorganizing of the closet, which is always a good thing.  I found lots of stuff to give away, not just throw out.  That's a good thing as I do hate to waste!

There's a great store in town I have talked about before called Reconsidered Goods.  They do lots of crafts there and have lots of crafting supplies that are donated.  While I was cleaning out the secretary, I found a lot of small pieces of canvas and threads and yards and random needles, etc.  Now, they will all have a home.  I will never use most of it so I see no need to hang on to it.  I did keep a lot of things that were Grandmother's handwork, but lots of it still has good life in it and now can go to a good home. 

So, I have one more piece to go through in the office and then it's time to start the living room.  That will be interesting!  Until next time, remember, "Don't put it down, put it away!"

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Quote of the Week

 Even though I doubt we'll achieve it in my lifetime, it's still important to hope.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Recipe of the Week - Coastal Seafood Casserole

 I love my vintage regional and church cookbooks and am always looking for a new recipe to try in them.  This one is from the Golden Isles Cuisine cookbook put out by the Jekyll Island Garden Club in 1978.  I have only made it once, but I really enjoyed it and have tagged it to make again in the future.  I hope you enjoy!

Coastal Seafood Casserole

1 cup green pepper, chopped

1 cup chopped onion

1 cup chopped celery

1 cup crabmeat

1 cup small shrimp, boiled and peeled

1/4 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 tsp Worcestershire

1 cup mayonnaise

1 8 oz can water chestnuts, chopped

buttered breadcrumbs*

Mix together all ingredients except for buttered breadcrumbs.  Place in an oiled casserole.  Sprinkle top with buttered breadcrumbs.  Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.  


* I used a cup of buttered stuffing mix because that is what I had on hand and it worked out beautifully!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Today's Moment of Mindfulness

 "A brief pause will help you make a smarter next move." - Peter Bergman

This is such a true statement, and it comes at a good time for me.  I know that many of us do not think before we speak or act in some situations and that can have dire consequences. It is so important to stop, take some deep breaths, and really think about what your next move should be.  What is motivating it?  Will it be productive?  Will it cause harm?  There are lots of things to look at before just plowing through headfirst.  Today I was able to put this to use.  I should have been doing that for a long time but, oh well, better late than never.  I got texted the "you're a nice guy, but...." speech.  Texted LOL  My knee jerk reaction was to spout back something passive aggressive because I'm good that, ya know.  But I didn't.  I remembered this quote and I stopped to think about how I was going to respond. I simply wished him the best of luck and closed it at that.  I felt better having just been kind in my words and that is important on both ends.  So, it worked for me today.  Let's hope that will continue.