Saturday, September 7, 2024

Daily Challenge - Cleaning out the office


Well, we are a week into September already and it's past time for this month's daily challenge.  This month, my daily challenge is to clean out my office.  Why?  Because I have a roommate moving in next month and I need to clear out the space.  It is definitely going to be a challenge because, like all of my rooms, there is more stuff than I think there is.  Who knew?  haha!

Now, while I have been working to clean out my garage, I will probably be putting some things back out there.  I do not see this as a setback because I have actually created more room out there.  But there are some things that cannot go out into the elements of the garage.  My record collection, which is in the office, is going to have to find a home somewhere else inside.  This is all manageable, so I'm not worried.  It really is a matter of getting it done.  I do not have a choice since Jason will be moving in soon, I just do not want to wait til the last minute.  We all know that won't be pretty.  Wish me luck!  I can do it!

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