Saturday, September 21, 2024

One Drawer at a Time - Putting things in better places


One of the things I feel like I am accomplishing during this process is finding better places to keep things. So much of my stuff is just placed where it is simply because it's a surface or drawer.  It is definitely not the best place for it to be but it's convenient.  Now, I can take the time and say "this works better over there" and things like that.

It's easier for me to find a better home within my home for things when I can take my time and really think about what it is I am doing. That may sound silly, but it works.  For instance, I have lots of books.  And one day I will get around to reading them all LOL. But these are books from my entire life.  Books from childhood, books I inherited from Grandmother and her sisters, books I have collected, books from school, etc.  Lots and lots of books.  My secretary has a bookcase top, so now I keep books there.  I never have before because Grandmother didn't.  She displayed cups in there.  While I love that idea, putting books in there feels more appropriate for me and I love how it looks.

And that does mean that some things need to be packed away for another day.  I have made a good bit of room out in the garage, so I am good with that happening.  One day I'll get back into the garage to deal with that stuff.  But, for the meantime, I am happy working inside and getting things put into places where they belong. It feels good.

That is all. 

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