Friday, September 6, 2024

Student Adventures - rounding out week 3 of class


I'm in my last year of graduate school, which in itself is pretty amazing to me, and I am finishing up week three of my current class. After this, I will only have my capstone project to tackle and then I will have a masters in gerontology.  Very excited for this!

The class I am currently taking is on elder law.  I have always been fascinated with wills, so I was looking forward to this. My fascination with wills is what got me into doing household inventories, by the way.  Still, I wanted to take this class my first semester of graduate school, but I realized that three classes were going to be a bit much my first time back, especially with working full time.  So, I decided to put it off until later.  Well, later is now!

So far, we have really focused on the importance of estate planning.  This includes wills and trusts and POA's both durable and healthcare.  I have found it most interesting.  I have these documents in place, personally, but taking this class has reminded me that it is probably time to go over them again and alter them where needed.  Actually, I don't have a trust, only a will and the POA's. I don't have enough to warrant a trust LOL But it's interesting to learn about. But even if I did have a lot of money, I think I prefer a will over a trust.

Anyway, I really am enjoying this class and am looking forward to it offers next.  I have to begin work on a research paper, so I am working on picking a topic right now.  So far, so good!  Wish me luck!!

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