Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Letting People Know When It's a Bad Day

 As I begin this part of the journey in my life, some days can be quite overwhelming and I find it hard to get through the day.  This hasn't happened a lot lately, but it has happened.  The difference is that now I am there with my emotions.  I am present in my feelings and accept the fact that it is ok to have a bad day.  I used to just suck it up and pretend like everything is fine so that I did not inconvenience anyone else.  My goal was to make their day go as smoothly as possible and my emotions would only get in the way.  That was my reasoning, anyhow.  Well, as it is fine to want to make other people's days go smoothly, it is no longer something that I will risk my mental health for.  I have started letting people in on when I'm not doing well and telling them what is going on.  In the end, it has made a difference and I feel better.  I also find that these episodes of frustration do not last as long as they once did.  I think it's because I am allowing myself to be in the moment.  I am processing the feelings and letting them go and moving forward.  It may not feel like it in the moment, but in the end it's a very good thing for me.  New, but good.  And I will continue in this direction.  It is the best for me. 

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