Wednesday, June 7, 2023


 I cannot deny that I love a good nap these days.  I never would have thought as a child or a teenager that I would enjoy taking naps,  But, as an adult, I find naps delightful!  I always have to set an alarm when I nap, otherwise I would sleep for a few hours.  Normally, I nap between 20 and 30 minutes.  Sometimes I don't even fall asleep.  Just laying there still is enough for me.  

However, I am going to make an effort not to take naps after I get home from work.  You may ask yourself why am I denying myself this pleasure?  It is simply because I have learned that I fall asleep easier and quicker if I don't take a nap.  On the weekends, it's not a big deal because I tend to stay up later anyway.  Also, I have probably spent my day doing more phsyical things around the house and a nap is very helpful.  And even though I have days when I am worn out after work, it still keeps me up later than I want to be.

This week I have made a concerted effort to not take a nap during the work week.  And, yes, I'm only a few days into the work week, but I can tell a difference.  I am more tired by the time I go to bed.  And I sleep later.  When I wake up in the morning, I feel more rested than I do if I've napped during the daytime.  Also, I get more on my list done if I use that 30 minutes for something constructive.

That is my goal for this month.  I think that I can do it and I know that I will feel better for doing it.  Hopefully it will not only help my sleep but will help with my energy level as well.  We shall see!

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