Sunday, January 31, 2016

Thought for the day - procrastination

Believe it or not, i am making an effort not to be the procrastinator that i usually am.  It's an evolving process, but i will get there in time.  I know that this is important for me because when i get bogged down with lots of homework, i begin to second guess myself which then makes me depressed and i find it hard to focus....gotta love that snowball effect.

So, i will spend most of the next two days either working or doing homework.  That is fine.  But from here on out, i really must do a better job of this.  One of the reasons it will be beneficial for me is that i tend to miss out on many social things because of my procrastination.  Sometimes, missing social occasions is inevitable.  There are times when i truly have too much to do and not enough time to do it.  But, for those other occasions, i need to make time for them by doing my assignments in a timely manner.

As many of you have recognized, i miss a lot of things because i am trying to be focused.  Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, dinners, parties, friends in town....they are all subject to my absence because of my procrastination capabilities.  And while i recognize that focusing on my school work IS important, after all i am going into debt to get a degree and have a career, if i do not learn to balance things better, i will burn out quickly.  Self care is a huge proponent of what we must do as social workers and that can be difficult for me.  If you knew my mother and grandmother, you will understand that our personal well being is often at the bottom of the inherited trait!

Well, that is all for now because i have homework to do.  Enjoy your Sunday!


Monday, January 4, 2016

Thought for the day - after Christmas

It always makes me sad when, the first day after Christmas, i see the streets littered with discarded trees.  People go to all of the effort to decorate their homes and once the presents are over, that's it.  No need for that holiday feeling anymore.  Personally, i am keeping my tree up for a few days more.  At least through Epiphany if not through the following weekend.  These days, the holidays are so hectic....trying to be everywhere and do everything, which NEVER happens, especially if you work any kind of retail or hospitality.  So, why is there such a rush to get life back to before?  That i do not have an answer to.  Oh well.

It took a while for us to get our tree decorated this year, so i have every intention of enjoying it before all of the needles fall off.  That goes for the other decorations as well.  They all bring such cherished memories and feelings of warmth and happiness, why end that starting the 26th?  Simple...i'm not ending it.

Even today, i started carrying on a tradition my parents started.  We had my Great Grandmother's dough board and it use to hang in our kitchen.  Now, it hangs in mine.  As we did not have much need for using the dough board for its original purpose, Mom and Dad started using it to display cards and pictures.  Christmas cards, birthday cards, etc.  And when Dad and June married, they continued that tradition while they were still in Monroe.  So, today, ten days after Christmas, i finally got my holiday cards displayed on the board.  Took some time, yes, but i will enjoy looking up at it and thinking of the people who remembered me and Michael this season.

So, i imagine that tonight after i get everything done, i will walk through the kitchen and look at the cards on display.  Then, i will go into the living room, turn on the tree, put a few records on the player and snuggle up with Squirt on the sofa and enjoy Christmas past, present and future.  As it should be!


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Thought for the day - 2016

As i enter into the new year, like everyone else i have things i want to accomplish.  i do not necessarily want to call them resolutions because i think that just sets a person up for failure.  i have enough pressure on myself already lol  But, i know that there are things i want to achieve and if i put my mind to it, i am pretty sure that all things are possible.

Of course, i have the typical goals of quitting smoking, eating better and exercising.  These are all just things that i need to do because i need to treat my body better than i do.  All of these will help.  Granted, this past year i did get more exercise because of walking every day to class, i know that i can do more.  It is just a matter of putting all of these things into action.

Speaking of food, i definitely want to cook more and try new things in the kitchen.  So far, i'm doing well with this one.  i have tried three new recipes so far this year.  Luckily, each one turned out well and are keepers in my recipe file.  i love reading cookbooks and have already read 2 since Christmas.  So finding new things to try will not be hard.  And that also helps my budget with grocery shopping.  When i have been going to the grocery store, i now take a very specific list and do not stray from that list, buying only what i need.  That can be tough, especially if i go to the store hungry lol

We, both me and Michael, also want to make our house as simple a space as possible.  i plan on spending time going through things and getting rid of things.  i realize that i make this goal every year, but it really is time.  We have too much stuff and it really can be a burden.  As much as i love my stuff, i do not need all of it, so it is time to let go of things.  There are many venues out there where i can get rid of things....Goodwill, Ebay, Craigslist, be on the lookout for my stuff :)

Also, both of us want to be more social this year.  We were talking on NYE and decided that we both could use more human interaction.  When we first moved into our house, having company over was a regular occurrence.  Now, it's a total rarity.  i know it has been at least since August 2014 since we've had people over and that needs to change.  Movie nights, game nights, dinners, just having conversations....that's what we want this year.

So, these are just a few things that i want to get done this year.  i know that there are more things on my list and i will add them later, but this is a good place for me to start!  Happy 2016!