Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thought for the day

Today, i am struggling with my path.  Not the direction of my path, but the shape of my path.  i am loving being back in school, for the most part.....that whole homework thing is a bit overrated though LOL  But, now that i am experiencing road blocks as far as my financial aid goes, i am not quite sure what to do next.

If, and that's a big if, i get accepted into the BSW program, i am going to have some serious thinking to do.  i really want this, but financially i have to wonder how feasible it is.  College is expensive and when you live below the poverty line, that's a huge task.

So, i have been contemplating just finishing my BFA because i think that i have a lot less hours required to get that degree.  My problem is, is it better to get a degree that i will never use just for the sake of having a degree?  As much as i love theater, a BFA in acting will not do much for me other than prove i have the piece of paper in my hand.  i could go on to graduate school in something more productive then, but i just don't know.

Either way, i got some thinking to do.  More coffee is required.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

thought for the day

Once again, the month is almost half over and i have not written much.  i had every intention to, but i got preoccupied with school and work, both of which keep me busy.  Oh well.  The next 2 weeks are going to be extremely busy and jam packed, so here's to hoping that i survive.

i have hit some definite roadblocks with school, administratively.  And the thing that really sucks is that i need to focus on my classwork right now and am going to have to put them off until class is over.  Once exam time comes, i will be a regular sight at both the financial aid office and the registrar's office.

What it boils down to is, because of my first feeble attempt at college, i now have too many hours and no degree.  Because of the amount of hours, i may lose my financial aid eligibility.  And also because of the number of hours, i am target for a tuition surcharge....a ridiculous one at that, at least in my opinion.  It will soon cost me 1.5 the amount of money to attend school as the regular student would.  grrrrrrrrrr

So, i must come up with a game plan, both academically and financially.  i really am not sure what all this is going to entail, how it's going to work or whether it is going to work.  But, there you have it.  Who knows, i may literally end up selling the car in order to pay for at least one semester.  Good times.

Ah, well.  Time to get ready for work.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Thought for the day - October

Ah, November is here already and October came and went very quickly.  On one hand i am relieved that it is gone already, but on the other hand i feel like i need to rewind and do it all over again.  October was a tough, tough month for me...too much going on, too much happening and not enough time to get it done, per usual.

At the beginning of the month, i had all of that IRS crap to deal with.  i think i have it all settled in that i have worked out a payment plan with them.  But still, it's just another way for what little money i have to go back out the window before i even get it.  Ah, well.  Then, after doing research for one of my social work assignments, i discovered that, according to the US Government that i live in poverty.  i do not know why this shocked me as much as it did, but i was really taken aback by it.  i know that life changes often and i must roll with the punches, but i was not prepared to see that in black and white.  It really does make me feel like a failure at 40 years old but there isn't a whole lot i can do about it at the moment.  Being in school and working 30 hours a week are enough for me to handle right now and a 2nd job would probably do me in. It just sucks because i get so tired of not being able to do things i want to because i do not have the luxury of extra money.  It was hard to have to tell my family that i cannot participate in Thanksgiving this year simply because i cannot afford to be off of work for more than 2 days, if even that.  i have to admit that they all took it a lot better than i did!  And this past week, i get an email from financial aid saying that i am approaching my hours quota to qualify for financial aid.  That really sucks.  Because i fucked up my first time around in college, i am being punished for it now.  i have a lot of paperwork to do to see if i can rectify the situation, so hopefully i can.  If not, i will have to figure out another way to do this.  It's just one thing after another.  i know i will get through it all and survive, but geeeeezz can i have a break?  Ah, well.

That's my rant for the day.  Time to move on to better things.
