Sunday, October 28, 2012

a very nice weekend

This weekend was just what i needed.  Got do relax alot and do somethings i hadn't done in a long time.  Yesterday, after the estate sale, i went to the gym and worked out.  After the month i had, it was nice to let some stress go with some good boxing training.  Punching is always a good release LOL

Then, i had to return a van to work, so after Michael came and picked me up, we went and did our early voting duty.  I really like the early voting thing because i know it's done and i don't have to stress over lines come election day.  Then we met some friends for dinner at Zali's Mongolian Grill.  It was both our first times going there.  We loved it.  I'd never been to one before and the food was excellent.  We will definitely go back there again.  Any takers?  ;)

Michael went with our friends to some haunted house/woods of terror kind of thing.  That's not really my cup of tea so i came home and watched a movie on Netflix with Squirt. And interesting B movie from the golden age of Hollywood called "The Search For Bridey Murphy"  It was actually an interesting story about past life regression starring Teresa Wright.  Based on an actual case, alot of the dialogue came from transcripts of actual events.  I enjoyed it and Squirt did too, when he wasn't under the blanket staying warm.

Then the boys came and picked me up and we headed out to Warehouse 29 for their Halloween festivities.  Michael and I rarely go out anymore, opting to spend our time at home and on the porch hanging out.  But it ended up being a great time and I saw lots of people I hadn't seen in a very long long time.  I have to admit I do not miss working there, but it's a fun place to visit from time to time!

Today, we both got massages so we'll be sore as hell tomorrow.  I got to run some errands and now we're going to head next door for dinner with our dear friend, Lois.  It's been a great weekend!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday morning

Oh well, the estate sale i went to this morning was a bust.  Seems like they'd posted old pictures in their advertising and everything i was interested in was sold in the first sale they had a few weeks ago.  It's fine though.  I was glad i went.  I enjoy things like that and need to do more of them.

Another fall day here.  Doesn't look like the sun will be coming out.  Oh joy LOL  Gonna work out later this morning, but in the meantime i'm enjoying my coffee.

Friday, October 26, 2012

first day off

Today was my first day off since September 29th and it turned out to be a very nice day.  I almost didn't take it though.  Michael had to work today and I, honestly, was afraid of being here in the house by myself.  Not having a car at the moment, I tend to feel trapped when I'm here by myself.  Even though, chances are if I had a car I would've stayed home anyway, not having the option is very frustrating at times.

I did manage to get out of the house some.  Took Squirt for several walks.  He didn't like to stay out too long cause it's getting colder and so that made the walks shorter than normal. Also got to have lunch with Charles and Jared, which was nice.  I hadn't seen Jared in a while and since Charles just had some minor surgery, I'm glad it worked out that we could all get together.

The rest of the day I didn't do too much and I'm totally fine with that.  Actually, the highlight of my morning was polishing some silver.  That may sound odd as being a highlight, but for me it was.  That's something that I usually only do when I want things to look nice.  That means I'm feeling better, which is definitely a good thing for all concerned hehe.  I have alot of memories of doing things like polishing silver and other domestic things I did with my Grandmother, so I hold those things dear.  I'm glad I felt like doing it today!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

time off social media

over the last 24 hours, i decided i needed to take some time away from social media sites and chat sites.  i feel like i was spreading myself very thing, trying to keep up with everything and everyone and that's near impossible to do.  Facebook, although a good tool for keeping up with people that are far away, does still have it's frustrations.  A lot of times, as i've stated before, people try to be cute and funny when responding to posts when they have no freakin clue as to the tone of the post.  The joke is more important to them than the substance of what is being said.

And also, i very easily get sucked into online life.  i don't have a phone that has internet on it, so when i put something on a website, i'm actually physically sitting at the computer.  And sometimes i'll look up and 4 hours have passed.  i live behind profiles that make me out to be something i'm not right now.  maybe they're things i wish i was or hope to be one day, but right now it's not the case.

So, i did delete alot of profiles.  i kept a few but updated to let people know that i'm just taking time off and will be back every now and then to check on things.  It's not that i don't care what's going on in peoples' lives, i just need to focus on the reality of my own.

Anyway, it feels like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  i've done a 180 from where i was this time last night.  Normally, when Michael has a late night, i dread being home alone.  i usually get very depressed and lonely and i'm proud to say that didn't happen tonight.  i got up off my ass and did some straightening up.  did some cleaning.  and since noone was around, i did ALOT of singing!!  That's something i don't hardly every do, but it just happened so i let the notes flow hehe

Now, let's see what tomorrow holds!  Woohoo!