Tuesday, August 12, 2014

recipe of the week - sausage gravy

This is an easy, tasty and filling way to start your day.  i tried this for the first time yesterday and it turned out pretty good, so i thought i would share!

16 oz sausage
2 tbsp flour
2 cups of milk
black pepper

Brown the sausage over medium heat.  With a slotted spoon, remove the sausage onto a papertowel to drain, but leaving the drippings in the pan.  Add the flour into the pan with a whisk, mixing it into the drippings.  Slowly whisk in the milk.  Bring the mixture to a boil (i increased the heat at this stage to reduce cooking time)  Once it's boiling, add the sausage back into the pan.  Reduce heat and let simmer 2 to 3 minutes.  Add some black pepper to taste. Serve over biscuits or whatever else you desire!

Monday, August 11, 2014

a theatre memory....my first Broadway show

i remember going to see my first Broadway show like it was yesterday.  When i was in high school, our local community theatre group, the Union County Players, organized a trip to New York in the fall of 1992, my senior year.  The idea for the trip began when my friend Kim Russell, who i had done a show with the year before, thought i needed to go to NYC and experience it.  So, the trip started being planned.  i think about 30 people ended up going.  But, honestly, there were no group activities...we all did our own thing.  i think it was a "group" trip because as a group we got a discount on our hotel rooms lol

Anyway, i was determined to see as much as i could.  We would be there three full days and i managed to see 5 shows.  But the first one i saw was really the one i wanted to see most....The Secret Garden.  We flew into NYC on Thursday morning and Kim and i were attending the Thursday matinee of TSG.  i was so excited.  i had loved the clips of TSG on the 1990 Tony awards.  i bought the cast recording as soon as it came out.  i was hooked and ready to go!

We arrived at the St. James Theatre before the doors were open to let us in.  We were waiting in the lobby's ante room, which was small and packed with other tourists.  Of course, i thought that was the actual lobby and was kind of disappointed.  However, my spirits perked back up when we looked at the seating chart.  Our seats were on row AA, so i had assumed that meant we were on the 27th row.  WRONG!!!!  Row AA was the first row and we were in the center seats.  Front row, center at my first Broadway show.

After we were let into the lobby, we looked around at all of the souvenirs for sale...and there were lots.  i still have most of the ones i bought during that trip.  We made our way into the theatre and sat down.  The orchestra was warming up and i was close enough that i could have touched the conductor.  i was tempted, but i didn't do it.  i remember the house lights going down and the hairs on my arms standing up...i was so excited.  The orchestra hit the first chords of the show and there she was, Rebecca Luker.  She was one of the few original cast members left in the show.  She portrayed Lily, Mary's aunt...a ghost.  In that first moment of the show, she is seated in a picture frame high above the stage, behind a scrim.  The lights hit her and she began to sing..."Clusters of crocus, purple and gold"  i really was in heaven.

The next 2+ hours were some of the most thrilling in my life.  i had never seen anything like it before.  Yes, i had seen a few national tours come through Charlotte, but this was different.  This was a Broadway musical ON Broadway.  i was totally captivated.  Being that it was a Thursday matinee, several understudies were on but that did not matter.  Everyone in the show was wonderful.  And the audience was filled mostly with children, who i must admit were extremely well behaved.

One of the amazing elements of this production, besides the score, was Heidi Landesmann's exquisite scenery.  She turned the St James Theatre into a Victorian child's toy theatre.  And she won a Tony award for her design as well.

It was a glorious afternoon.  My first one in NYC.  As soon as the show was over, we went back to the hotel and i told Mom all about it and insisted that she go and see it, which she did on the Saturday matinee.  i was definitely on cloud nine!!

There have been many firsts in my life, but this is one of my most cherished.

thought for the day

It's always interesting to me, when i'm perusing Facebook or other websites where i have profiles, that people looking for friends have age limits set to their standards.  Now, i understand wanting to have a social group close to one's age.  That's just natural.  But, why limit yourself?  Truly?  It IS possible to have friends of all ages.

When i was growing up, i always had friends...different circles of friends.  Neighborhood friends, school friends, church friends...all different ages.  Sometimes they intermingled and that was nice.  But, i also had other friends as well...older friends.  i, as most of you know, was very close to my Grandmother.  But she was more than just a Grandmother to me.  Blood made us relatives, life made us friends.  Some of my parents' coworkers became dear people in my life.  Great friends that i learned many valuable things from.  One great advantage to having older friends is that many have experienced things that you have and can help to guide you or simply be there for you because they understand what you're going through.

My point being, why put an age limit on friends?  Older friends often act younger than they are and younger friends are sometimes mature far beyond their years.  If you truly define people based on a number, just remember that one day you will be that number (or have been that number already) and what if someone doesn't want your friendship based on that alone?  It won't feel good, definitely.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

thought for the day

it's been a very up and down past few days.  i finally came to the realization on Friday that i've been extremely depressed for the past few weeks and didn't really acknowledge it until now.  Friday night i had a break down of sorts and let a lot of things out that i'd kept bottled up for the past few weeks.  On the one hand, i'm glad that i finally got things out.  On the other hand, i'm disappointed that i let them bottle up inside me.  Oh well.  Saturday was much better and today will be even better.

i just need to regain control over my life.  i've never been good at that, being in control of things concerning myself.  But, it's time i learned to do that.  i'm going to be starting classes in one week and this transition has been scary.  i've got a lot to learn about college in the digital age and i hope i can keep up.  We shall see.  Lately, i've just let too many things and too many excuses get in the way of my well being and that has got to stop.  If it doesn't, it'll kill me.....literally.  So, now it is time to devise a plan for myself and make myself adhere to it.  Keep your fingers crossed!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

recipe of the week - shrimp dip

This is a good, cold dip that can be thrown together quickly.  i made it for the first time today and really like it!

8 oz sour cream
16 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup mayo
1 can of shrimp, drained
2 tbsps of parsley
1 envelope of onion soup mix

blend all ingredients together and chill for at least 1 hour before serving.  Serve with crackers, chips, pita, etc.

thought for the day

i really want to work on my communication skills.  One thing that irritates me about technology is that sometimes it makes things too easy not to get back to people.  Especially with having Facebook and texts on my phone.  i often miss messages on FB between my phone and the computer and it'll be several days or even weeks before i return a message.  Same with texts.  If i'm busy doing something in real time, sometimes texts slide through the cracks and i don't respond immediately.  Then, of course, it either hurts people's feelings or pisses them off.  i know, because i can be the same way when i'm on the other side of an unanswered message.  i don't mean to be rude, but technology has made it a lot easier it seems.

Now, i just have to figure out how to control it.  If you know me, you know i'm not a big phone talker.  There's not much that i would care less to do than to talk on the phone.  There's always that uncomfortable feeling of having to come up with things to talk about during that lag in the conversation...and it drives me crazy.  When i was in my 20s, and ruined....completely ruined my credit....i got into the habit of not answering the phone simply because of collectors calling.  That really turned me off to things.  i realize that i must get better at talking on the phone, simply because it's a fact of life and i need to do it.  We shall see.

And letters.  i need to write more actual letters.  Not emails.  i use to love getting mail that wasn't a bill.  It's definitely a dying art form and i'd like to start bringing it back.  Even though emails are very convenient and appropriate at times, things like birthday cards and letters just to say hello are still very special.  At least, i think they are.  After all, you can't scrapbook an e-card!

Well, i will figure something out...it will just take time.

Monday, August 4, 2014

thought for the day

i feel like i'm at war with my house. 

Ever since i was let go from my job, i've spent way too much time at home.  i have had a list of projects to work on, but have not really succeeded at getting any of them done.  Most days, all i do is go from room to room and look around, staring at what needs to be done.  Making a mental list, but doing nothing to cross those items off of the list.  And the longer the list gets, the less effort i have to get any of it done and then i spiral into a feeling of worthlessness, which leads to depression, etc.  It's a vicious cycle, to be sure.

This past weekend we went to see Michael's family.  It's always a good time.  i get envious of his parents house, though.  Everything has it's place.  It's well put together.  You know exactly where everything is suppose to go.  i always think, while i'm there, that the house is so comfortable, so unlike the chaotic mess that is our house.  i think of things to do to our house and ideas for it while i'm there, but once i get home....nothing. 

It's almost like the house is sucking the energy out of me.  i know what needs to be done, but i cannot seem to get myself to do it.  But, i know, if we wish to remain here, i cannot let these feelings defeat me.  i have to work through them and get on the ball about things.  i do better when things are neat and orderly, i just have a difficult time maintaining that.  i just have to figure out a better plan of action.

Any ideas would be helpful.
