Tuesday, November 18, 2014

thought for the day

The first step for me not to feel defeated is to find the root of the problem.  That will take some doing, and some counseling/therapy I imagine.  But, if that's what it takes, that's what it takes!

As much as I want to succeed in school, there is something holding me back.  Something very defeatist within me and I do not like it.  I am going to have to explore my past and my psyche and find out what it is.  That is a scary place to be.

Today, I had a panic attack.  Again.  I have been having them for awhile, especially since fall break.  I am having a hard time making it all work and keeping up with everything.  Yes, that is ok because I have not been a student since 1999.  Things have changed drastically.  And having spent 16 years with the same company, basically doing the same thing day after day, everything was so routine that I could do it blindfolded.  And that, honestly, is one of the reasons why we parted ways, which is a good thing.  But now, trying to adapt to school has had its rough moments.

Panic attacks suck.  Heart is pounding, feeling the walls close in.  Can't function.  Today I got so worked up that I dry heaved and had to come home.  I know some of the reasons this is happening, but I must explore further if I am going to survive.

A long, hot bath is in order tonight.
