Thursday, July 25, 2013

10 reasons i enjoyed hearing about the new British heir

1. No one got shot.
2. No one leaked government information.
3.  No teacher got robbed of funding.
4. Nothing exploded or crashed.
5. There was no racism or profiling involved.
6.  No government official cut education funding and then gave his cabinet raises.
7.  No one's rights were swept under the rug.
8.  People were united in something happy for a change.
9.  No pro athlete, with the world at his fingertips, committed a felony in conjunction with this birth.
10.  No one was interpreting God's word for their own benefit.

i admit that i don't closely follow the royal family of Great Britain.  But, i also admit, that it was nice to have a headline news story that was something positive for a change.  How nice for people to come together and celebrate a birth for a change.  i've noticed, most particularly on Facebook, that many people this side of the Atlantic had many snide things to say about the birth of the newest member of the royal family.  To me, this shows a lack of manners (in America?  go figure).  If you don't like it, yes you have every right to express that, but it's still rude.  We don't have a royal family in America, so we don't understand, really, what it means when an heir to the throne is born.  The closest thing we probably have is when KK's baby emerged from her lumpy nether region...only to be named North...a direction the baby's mother's not use to going in.  Oh well.  Class, and i don't mean financial status, is not something we have here anymore on a regular basis.

i'm just not a good friend

i spent alot of time today dreading coming home from work.  Michael works late once a week and tonight is his night to work.  i hate coming home to no one but the dog.  Don't get me wrong, i love Squirt, but it's not the same as having another person in the house.  Not that Michael and i would do anything tonight.  It'd be the same thing every night.  We'd have dinner, i'd take the dog out, then i'd end up on the computer and he'd sit and play some game on his phone or read.  That's just what we do.

anyway, i kept thinking that i should find something to do tonight, someone to hang out with.  And that's when i came up empty.  i got no one LOL  i have lots and lots of social acquaintances but very few actual friends.  So, i end up spending alot of time alone with the dog.

i just don't know how to be a friend anymore and that makes me sad. i use to be a great friend.  No, i have never been the first person people would call when they wanted to do something, but i was usually on the list somewhere.  That doesn't happen anymore.  And i guess i'm too afraid anymore to make the first move because i truly don't think anyone would want to just hang out with me.  That's sad.  Oh well.  it's not like anyone will read this anyway haha so, like usual, i'm just talking to myself :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Today's recipe - Creamy Lemon Pie

Creamy Lemon Pie

1 8"or9" baked pie shell or graham cracker crust
3 egg yolks
1 14oz can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup ReaLemon Juice from concentrate
Yellow food coloring (optional)
2 cups whipped topping

Preheat oven to 325.  Beat yolks, milk, lemon juice & food coloring.  Pour into pie shell and back 30 min.  Chill.  Top with whipped topping.

This is a great pie, very flavorful and not hard to make.  Separating the eggs is the most difficult part haha


Saturday, July 20, 2013

thought for the day...

If you stare too long at the door that's closed, you may not see the door that's opening up for you.

Live, learn and grow!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

some drastic changes

my body is telling me that it is time i make some very vital changes to my every day life.  i'm not sure what all that is going to entail, but i know a few things it will.  All smoking must stop.  And i seriously will have to curb my coffee intake.  Both of these will be really difficult for me to do, but i know in the long run i will be grateful i've done it.

i'm going to have to take better care of my body.  With so many different ailments in my family's medical history, i feel like a walking time bomb.  i do realize that i cannot stop what will be, but i can do my utmost to put up a good fight!

i've been having some circulation problems.  This has been ongoing for a long time.  Cramps in my legs and feet have been extremely painful at times.  Stopping smoking will really help this.  But for the past few weeks, other things have been going on.  My limbs have been tingling on and off, just like they're "going to sleep" only it's been much more constant.  And it seems like they're either tingling, itching or burning.  It's kind of driving me nuts.  And as soon as i get my new insurance card, i'm going to have it looked at.  i choose not to go to places like WebMD because they'll just scare you with all their "diagnosis"  lol

So, starting tomorrow, things are going to change in my life and i fear i will definitely be a little more on the crazy side than normal.  i still have to figure out how to do this.  i'm almost thinking that i need to make out a daily schedule for awhile, hour by hour, what i need to be doing so that i don't stray off the path i'm taking.  We shall see!

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 1, 2013

using antiques

As many of you know, i do love my antiques.  Most of the ones i have are family pieces that i grew up with.  They hold many memories for me.  Mostly of my Mom and my Grandmother and her sisters.  i'd say that for almost 95 % of the pieces i have, i can tell you the family history behind it.  Many of the things i remember growing up are things that we used every day or at least every holiday.  But that wasn't the case with everything.  Some things we just weren't going to use, like the washboard.  It was a fun piece, but I wasn't about to take it down off the wall and scrub clothes when we had a washing machine.  Lazy of me, i know.

Anyway, as Michael and i are still very much enjoying our house right now, i'm trying to use as many things that i have as possible.  That truly is the fun of having them.  Several weeks ago, on Father's Day, in fact, we drove to West Virginia to meet my brother to pick up my Grandmother's buffet.  He received it when we divided my Grandmother's estate, but no longer had room for it.  It matches the china cabinet that i got and i wasn't about to let it go.  It took some effort as far as scheduling, but i'm glad we did it.  Well, already several times i've used the buffet for its intended purpose.  My grandmother never put food on it serve from. It was always a lovely dining room piece where her silver tea service sat, but she never used it for food.  It really does make things convenient when we have people over.  And it's less crowded than putting all of the food directly on the table.

i just think that it's important to use the things that i have.  If something breaks, so be it.  It's replaceable and the memories associated with it will never go away.  And, more importantly, i'm really enjoying using my things and look forward to creating many more memories because of that!