This is a perfect hymn to share on this beautiful Easter morning. We sang this arrangement when I was in Youth Choir at FBC Monroe. It's beautiful and very moving. I hope you enjoy. Be blessed!
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Recipe of the Week - Coconut Sheet Cake
If you need an easy and delicious cake in a pinch, this is a great go to recipe. I will admit that I have absolutely no problem using a cake mix. I don't always use one, but sometimes it's just convenient and this is one of those times! I found this in the 1990 Wingate Baptist Church Cookbook. I don't often cook with coconut but it's something that every now and then I get a craving for it. While I was reading this cookbook (again), I ran across this recipe and thought I would give it a try. Coconut is one of those year-round flavors to me. It's found in dishes over the Christmas holidays, but it also fits into spring and summer. I will definitely make this again but only when I know I'm having people over. It's a lot of cake for one person. I did share it and people liked it but I ended up eating most of it myself! Enjoy!
Coconut Sheet Cake
1 pkg. Duncan Hines white cake mix
1 pkg. fresh coconut
1 large can cream of coconut*
1 small carton of Cool Whip
Make sheet cake as directed. Bake and cool for a few minutes. Pour cream of coconut on cake and let it soak in. Spread Cool Whip over this and then sprinkle with coconut. Serve chilled or at room temperature.
*This was my first time using cream of coconut. If you have never cooked with it before, know that it separates in the can. After I opened the can, I spent a lot of time stirring so that it was even before pouring it on the cake. Well worth it!
Tom Clark Gnomes
I have talked about Tom Clark gnomes before. I have a decent sized collection of them, and I really do enjoy getting them out and displaying them. I keep finding them out in the garage. One or two in a box here and there until they really start to add up. Every time I find one out there, I bring it inside because the extreme temperature of summer is not good for them. If you are unfamiliar with Tom Clark gnomes, they are sculptures made out of pecan shell resin. Each one has a number on it and there is always a coin of some kind on the piece. Sometimes it's easy to locate and sometimes not.
I got my first one for Christmas in 1984 from my Aunt Sara. His name was Jeffrey and I have been collecting them ever since. It was always great fun to go to The Candlewick at the Monroe Mall and look at the new gnomes that had arrived. For Mom, it made an easy Christmas gift for me and I got one just about every year until she passed. Now, if I'm out at an antiques store or thrift shop and come across one, I will definitely consider adding it to my collection.
Like any other collectible, their value fluctuates. There was a period when they were extremely prized, and their prices were quite high. Now, not as much. But I still love them and that won't stop me from collecting them. I do wish I had more fun ways to display them, but I just put out a few at a time and enjoy looking at them. They bring me happiness and that is important!
Friday, March 29, 2024
Quote of the week
I was searching online for an Easter quote to post, and I came across this one. For some reason, I could not get it out of my head as I looked at other quotes so I knew this was the one. Thanks, Victor Hugo!
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
I don't want to adult today
I don't want to adult today. That is the sentiment that I woke up with this morning. Last night, while chatting with a friend, I started to get really depressed. I went to bed shortly after because I knew that if I did not, I would keep myself awake with a brain that would not stop spinning. And I did manage to go to sleep relatively quickly, thank goodness. But when I woke up this morning, I just did not want to do anything. I still really don't.
As much as I love routine and order, the thought of going into work and doing things around the house and getting homework done today is about as far from my desires as possible. I just don't want to be a responsible adult today. In my head, I know that I need to take this energy and make it into something positive, but I really don't want to do that either LOL I don't feel depressed anymore, just blah. I am sure that I will snap out of it and come back to reality and make it work. Just not feeling it today. We shall see how that goes.
That is all.
Grandmother's Easter Eggs
I do not have a lot of Easter decorations, but I do put out what I do have every year. I have several rabbit figurines that I have collected over the years and some spring items that I enjoy. And, of course, I have the Easter eggs that Grandmother painted. She began painting these in late 80's at her ceramics class at the senior center in Monroe. She would give them as gifts to friends and family. Her designs were varied and you can see rabbits, ducks, flowers, butterflies, etc.
People always cherished her eggs when they received them as gifts. I know that I certainly did. I wish that I had gotten her artistic abilities with painting but alas I did not. But I love putting these out every year. My friends always enjoy looking at them. I have several dozen of them and each one is unique and special. Since Easter is this Sunday, it is time for me to get my eggs out and find a fun way to display them. Enjoy!
Monday, March 25, 2024
The Impossible Dream - Jim Nabors
Yesterday, I was out treasure hunting at a thrift store and found an record album by Jim Nabors. I actually have several records of his. His voice was just beautiful. Many people of my generation only know him from Gomer Pyle and don't know he had such a great singing voice. And I wanted to start my week out with an inspiring some from his beautiful voice! Enjoy!
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Attending Shows
I have really enjoyed attending the theatre over this past year. That may not sound like a lot to most people but to me it is monumental. I have seen five shows of the last year: two tours, two university productions and one local production. All of them were fun. The quality varied but the experiences were all sublime. And it has been a good way to reconnect with friends. Each performance was accompanied by special people in my life. That means a lot.
I am hoping to see more theatre this coming year. Given that I've seen more shows now than I have in the last 20 years my track record is definitely improving! UNCG is doing The Lightning Thief, a Percy Jackson musical in April and that might be a fun show even though I know nothing about it. It's always fun to see a show that I have no clue what to expect. A coworker of mine wants to see that so we may try to go together. And then in May there's the tour of To Kill a Mockingbird. Bill and Heidi gave me tickets for Christmas and I'm excited to see that one.
I just really have enjoyed reigniting this passion in my life. Doing something that I love does me better than I thought possible. And supporting the arts is always important, especially in this day and age. So, here's to more shows, more friends and more special experiences!
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Extend an olive branch
I truly think that it is time that mankind begins extending olive branches to its fellow man. The world is so full of hate and yet most people cry for peace. Many of the powers that be do not want peace. They want division. They want hatred towards anyone and anything different. And these people are all over. They are not just in one specific group or another. They are everywhere. But we need to be persistent in our pursuit of peace. If we start showing how to live peacefully among each other at local levels, then maybe....just maybe it will catch on in a bigger way. This may be a pipe dream but at least it's a dream.
Anyway, the olive branch is first mentioned in the Bible in the book of Genesis when Noah sends the dove out of the Ark to see what's out there. When the dove returns it is carrying an olive branch in its beak. This olive branch has since come to symbolize peace. Extending an olive branch to another person is an expression of the desire for peace. So, the next time you have an opportunity, extend an olive branch to someone and make peace. Do it before we all run out of olive trees.
One drawer at a time...moving onto the den
I have finally finished up working in the laundry room. It is so much better than it was before. I can see most of the floor now, which is a plus! I am very happy with how it turned out and I think it looks great! So, now it is time for me to move onto the den. This one is going to be tough because right now my den is my catchall. It is where I go through boxes and such. Also, since I began this process of one drawer at a time, this will be the first room with a closet in it. That's going to be tough. I am going to have to remind myself that it is going to look a lot worse before it looks better. But I can do it, no doubt.
The first big item I will tackle in there is a chest of drawers that the television sits on. It is jammed full of stuff. Very random stuff. I know that one drawer has nothing but candles in it. It smells nice but is it practical? One drawer has a bunch of playing cards and jewelry that belonged to Mom. There are vintage linens in other drawers. Like I said it is just full of stuff. But this will be as much about organizing as it will be about getting rid of things. I know what's in there, but I need to make it look better and keep it in better shape. I can do that. And the next time I need to play cards by candlelight on a linen covered card table while wearing a string of pearls....I will know where to find it all!
Friday, March 22, 2024
Will I be able to use the degree?
I have been struggling lately with thinking about the degree I am pursuing and what it's going to mean once I finally finish. I am very worried that because 95% of this degree is online that it's not going to do me any good once I graduate. There's just so little real experience that is involved with this degree that I'm starting to freak myself out about it. And, yes, I knew that going into it. It is an online degree, after all.
My fear is greatly stemmed from my experience getting my bachelor's degree. Even though that degree was in person learning, it did me no good upon graduation. I was not able to use it at all to get a job. And I felt like I had, in some ways, wasted 3 years of my life. I was proud that I went back to school and got a degree and that my dad was able to see me do that. But now I have a $40,000 piece of paper somewhere in the house and that is the only thing I have to show for those 3 years.
That is what I am really worried about right now. That I am not going to be able to use this degree at all once I graduate. And I like what I am studying and would love to make a career out of gerontology. But is that possible? I don't know. That is one of the major reasons I am putting my capstone off for a year. I do not want to waste that opportunity to learn in a real environment that may change the course of my career. I need to really find what I want to do.
Ah, well. Only time will tell. I will keep going forward and get this degree eventually. We shall see what happens.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Missing those waiter days
There are days when I miss being a waiter at work. Today was one of those days. I always enjoyed being in the dining room. It was fun to me. And it gave me a purpose. It's not that the job I currently have has no purpose, but when I was in the dining room that purpose was pretty obvious. And I was good at it. It gave me joy to serve my residents in that way and help to solve their dining dilemmas. I knew exactly what I was supposed to do and when I was supposed to do it.
I need to figure out how to get that sense of purpose in my current position. It's just not there for me right now. Of course, there are a lot of factors involved in that. Yesterday I had to do a personal wellness wheel for my class and that has caused me to overthink everything in the past 24 hours. I just don't feel like what I do is important or needed and when I was in the dining room, I was needed and what I did was important. Maybe I need to start looking for a dining position somewhere again. I think that I would really enjoy that and it would benefit my spirit. Maybe I should put in for a transfer at work. That would definitely throw my residents for a loop seeing me back in the dining room full time.
I don't know really what needs to happen now. When I started writing about work on this blog, I was frustrated at being just a waiter. That had to do more with my useless BSW degree than anything else. But now I'm starting to realize that being "just" a waiter wasn't so bad. Food for thought.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Quote of the Week
This is always the point in the week that I look and see how much left I have to get done. It's a lot but I know I can do it. At least I'm hoping so LOL
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Up - Disney Pixar
My last class of the semester is called Aging and Health. I don't know who this class is going to go because I've only been in it for one week. I am hoping that it will go more smoothly than the last class. I did well in it (Got an A), but it was very stressful for some reason. I think it's because there was so much important information that we skimmed over because of time constraints. Oh well.
This class is about aging successfully and the entire class revolves around the movie Up, the animated film by Pixar. Up until this class I had not seen the movie. I tried to watch it once but did not make it very far. I don't like heights so when the little house took off flying, it was a bit much for me. Still, I finally did watch it for the class and ended up really enjoying it. I wrote my paper about the movie and turned it in. It's something that I'm going to have to do every week for the rest of the class.
I hate to be this person, because I do realize how much teachers and professors have on their plates, but I did not come to graduate school to spend an entire class watching a movie. If I was getting a film degree, maybe so, but for gerontology? I just feel like there has to be a better way to study health and aging. Maybe one week we watch up and base our papers on that, but the entire class? I'm sorry. It takes me back to middle school when we would get excited when the teacher rolled in the vcr on the cart from the library for us to watch a movie. Sometimes it was as a reward for us but sometimes it was a reward for the teacher, and she could let the movie baby sit us and did not have to do anything. That's what this feels like to me. Like this class is an afterthought. I know it isn't but that is how I feel.
I hope that my feelings about the class change. Still, I will give it my best. I guess I'll be watching Up again this week. Thank goodness I have more popcorn! That is all.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Shopping ahead
I keep a running list of people that I like to buy gifts for. Mainly the list consists of birthdays as it is laid out month by month. Of course, there's a long list of people at Christmas that I would love to buy something for. It's funny, though, that back when I was part of a couple there was a lot of pressure to buy these gifts. For some reason I felt like it was not only something I needed to do, but I needed to do it for the both of us. Now, don't get me wrong, I love getting gifts for people and there was always that sense of "don't worry, I've already taken care of it" that accompanied the gift giving. But now it has a different feeling to it. Not better or worse, just different. I don't have that same urgency for gift giving like I used to. While it's still a wonderful thing to do, if I can't for whatever reason such as it doesn't fit into my budget right now, then that's ok. A card will do. As long as I acknowledge in some way, that's what matters.
Having said that, I am still always on the lookout for gifts whenever I go out shopping or am shopping online. I seem to have a rolodex in my head of little things that interest people. And when I come across something that matches those interests, I will definitely consider it for purchase. I like to shop ahead and will admit that I am already thinking about Christmas. It's just how I like to shop and give gifts. And sometimes the gift does not have to relate to anything the person already loves. It could be something totally new or it could be something that just reminds them that they are being remembered. For either reason, I still enjoy it. And shopping ahead definitely helps me with my budget. I used to be very bad about waiting until a few weeks before Christmas to really get shopping done. I would end up spending too much money and often get unnecessary things for people just to have something under the tree. Shopping head helps with that.
I suppose I should go and check my gift list and see who's next! April is a busy month for that and I need to get started! That is all.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Noritake "Oradell" Gravy Boat
I love gravy boats. It's one of those kinds of pieces that most people have at least one of and hardly ever use it. I have several of them and try to use them whenever I can. Admittedly I do not make gravy too often but when I do, I definitely use one of my boats.
I found this one at one of the thrift stores that I frequent. It is made by Noritake and the pattern is called "Oradell". Replacements, Ltd. describes the pattern as a red and yellow border with flower sprays and cream background. I think it's very pretty and I know I paid around $5 for it. It has an attached base, and the gravy can be obtained from either end of the bowl. I also found a matching platter that day as well. I have this tucked away in a cabinet and will bring it out sometime when I make gravy. Or it would be good for a dip as well. Either way, I plan on using it!
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Bosom Buddies - Mame
I was listening to this cast recording yesterday and it's just so full of wonderful songs. I do really love Jerry Herman's music! I remember when this was performed on the Tony Awards one year and it was such a hoot! Angela and Bea are just perfection. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
The Continuing Adventures of Just a Waiter - Back to the grind!
Yesterday was my first day back after a long weekend off. And, admittedly, it went pretty well. At least from my perspective. I was able to stay focused and stay busy, which is important to me. I had very little down time. I know that there are going to be times when I really don't do anything but sit and wait for the phone to ring, but it feels like lately that was about all I was doing. Yesterday showed me that if I stay focused on my list of tasks to accomplish that I feel more useful.
I keep a list everyday of all of the things that need to get done. Yes, that is pretty much like how I run my life at home as well, but it works for me. There are things already on the list each day before I even add my daily tasks. There are certain things of first shift that have to get done and I keep them on there so that I remember to do them. It works well for me. For the majority of the day, I kept myself moving and occupied and that was very helpful. Then when I did have those moments of simply sitting and waiting to answer the phone, I did not feel like I was wasting time. That was good for me. Let's hope that continues.
Today will be different and I will make adjustments on my expectations somewhat. I will be at the desk in the memory care unit. This is the first time I have done this and it's very quiet over there. Many of the things I normally do I will not be able to do because I am in a different building. There will be a lot of sitting but I will still find useful ways of occupying my time. Wish me luck!
Monday, March 11, 2024
Quote of the Week
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Still working in the laundry room
I am about halfway through the laundry room and am pretty pleased with the progress in there. There are two sets of standing shelves in there and one of my goals is to reduce that to only one set. That will give me a little more room when I am in there actually working on the laundry. I have managed so far to consolidate the cleaning supplies to like groups. I even have some shelf room leftover, which is good. And I have come to learn that I have more light bulbs than I will ever need. The good thing about light bulbs these days is that they last a lot longer than they used to. The bad thing is that the extra ones sit on the shelf for years just waiting to get used LOL Oh well.
My next area in the laundry room will be the area around the machines themselves. I definitely need to clean the outside of the machines themselves but there's just chaos around them. The ledge behind them is filled with cleaning products and plants. I'm not sure if the products are still good and several of the plants I can't tell if they are dead or not. There's still some green but there's brown too. BTW, plants are not my thing. It's not that I do not like them, I'm just not good with them. They're inconsistent, at least for my taste, as to which ones need watering when. If they were all on the same schedule they would be much easier to tend to.
So, that's where I am so far. Happy with the progress and looking forward to making more room and being better organized in a utilitarian space! That is all.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Remembering Saturdays
With daylight savings happening tonight, or in the morning depending on how you look at it, I am looking forward to the longer days ahead. To look at the clock and see that it's still light out at 7:00 p.m. does me good. While I do not mind the shorter days of winter, it's those longer spring and summer days that I truly love. Growing up, Saturdays were mainly for chores. We got up, had cereal and watched cartoons, then we were put to work by Mom and Dad. There was always something for us to do around the house, either indoors or outdoors. As much as I did not enjoy it then, I would give anything to go back in time and do it again. It is a schedule that I try to keep up with today. While I do chores during the week, Saturdays are really a day to get things done.
Other things I loved about those days were when the spring weather arrived, and the windows would be opened. Feeling that fresh breeze come through the house is like no other feeling. We had double front doors that opened up and let so much air in. My bedroom was on a corner, so it was the coolest room in the house when the windows were opened. I loved it. But one of the things I remember most about those Saturdays is that Saturday nights were for bridge. Mom and Dad loved playing bridge. It's something I wish I had learned. They tried to teach me, but I was too young to grasp the game very well. I think Bill knows how to play. There's still time to learn though.
When I was very young, Grandmother and our cousin Isobel would come over for bridge nights. Mom and I would pile into our burnt orange Granada and go pick them up. I was always tasked with going up to Isobel's front door and walking her to the car. I remember going to and ringing her doorbell. Her dog, April, would often bark at the bell's ringing. Then we would hold hands as we went back to the car. This was also a lesson for me in being a gentleman. I was instructed to open the car door for her and make sure she got in safely. By the time bridge was over, it was past my bedtime then, so I did not accompany Mom on the return trip. In later years, our neighbors the Goodsons would come over and play bridge. They usually played in the den, so I would be watching tv while they played. Hee-Haw came on Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. so I watched that a lot during the summer. And this was back in the days when Mom and Mr. Goodson both smoked. It was my job to empty the ashtrays during the game. I felt so responsible then!
I miss those simpler times in my life. I would go back in a second if I had the power to. Still, I enjoy my quiet Saturdays now with the example set for me early on in life. Now I just need some friends to come over and play cards. That would be nice!
That is all.
I Collect Pigs
One of the things, among many, that I collect is pigs. I love pigs. I think it all began when I first saw the animated film of Charlotte's Web when I was a child. I loved Wilbur and connected with his need for a friend. Ever since then I have collected pigs. The first ones I ever got were Christmas pigs. One has a wreath around his neck and one is draped in ribbon. I put them out every year.
Now, I don't buy everything I see that has a pig on it, but if I like it I will definitely grab it. I have pig stuffed animals, pig figurines, pig dishes. Pigs are everywhere here. And they are very subtle. There's one here and one there. I probably should get them all together in a group to see what all I have.
And I follow pigs online as well. That's how I found Esther the Wonder Pig. I just love her and am sad she's not with us anymore. But her legacy lives on and I even have one of her books thanks to Michael. I get pig items for Christmas a lot. It's been awhile but I do get them then. People have sent me pigs or given me pigs on the spur of the moment. I'm always delighted. I haven't bought any in awhile and I guess it's time to go out in search of my next pig! That is all.
Friday, March 8, 2024
Grad school update
Well, here I am at the end of spring break. One class is down for the semester and one left to go. I am trying hard not to stress myself out and get burned out right now, but that's easier said than done. I have not been able to get anything done towards my capstone project. There just has not been time. In between working full time, hours of homework each night and trying to run a household on my own, I just have not had the chance to search for an internship.
I think an internship is the way for me to go instead of field work at my job. An internship would open me up to something different where my degree would be useful. Having said that, I want to make sure that I find exactly what I'm looking for and not settle on just anything because it's available. That is going to take time. My advisor asked me to think big like my dream job. Right now, my dream job is something that goes above living paycheck to paycheck. So, I have no clue what that's going to be. Also, one of the cons of an internship is that it will be unpaid, and I am going to have to save up for my living expenses during that time. That will take a while. It's doable, but it's not going to magically appear in my bank account overnight.
While this will push my graduation back a year, I think that is what is best. This capstone is going to be the only real-time, hands-on experience that I get in this degree program, and I am NOT going to waste it. I just need time to find it. That is all.
The Continuing Adventures of Just a Waiter - Going back to my CSR roots
I have taken a few days off of work during my spring break. It has been nice, and I have spent some time reflecting on my position at work and my importance to my department and fellow associates. Not a huge amount of time because, after all, I'm on spring break. But I have been thinking about it. As far as my position goes, I believe it has come time for me to do some reshaping. I have a hard time saying no to things at work and that needs to change. I am overextended in a lot of areas, and I need to do some culling of that. Basically, I have taken on too many things over the years and it has become way too stressful for me. I want to get back to what my actual job is...a CSR (Customer Service Representative). While it's not the most glamorous job in senior living, it is a vital part of the system. But most of what I do at work these days has nothing to do with being a CSR.
That needs to change for a couple of reasons. One is that my stress level is incredibly high. When I take time away from work, my level is really down but when I'm there it's not. Many of the things that I do that are non-CSR related either do not take much time to do or they are only occasionally like once a month or once a week. The rest of the time I am sitting at the desk behind the front desk waiting on the phone to ring and that's all I do. It stresses me out to be just sitting there doing next to nothing for hours. But I don't want to add to what I already have to do even though it's not consistent on a daily basis. The other main reason is because I now do not do many things that are part of the CSR job description. Yes, I can rationalize things that I do and make them be CSR related but that's stretching it. I am a certified trainer at work, but I don't train anyone. And right now, I am thankful for that because I would not have the foggiest clue as to what to train a new hire in besides answering the phone. It's just where I am right now and not where I need to be. If I am going to be a CSR, I need to master all the things our CSRs are expected to do. I have definitely fallen behind on that.
So, when I go back into work next week, I am going to have to do some talking and getting things set up differently. To be honest, I'm not really needed at work. I'm the most expendable one in my department. And I need that to change for my future. That is all.
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Recipe of the Week - Crack Dip
Several years ago, at Christmas, my sister-in-law Heidi made this for us to munch on. I just loved it and ate way too much of it. Of course, I had to have her recipe. And I've since come to learn that there are many different dips referred to as crack dip. But I love this one. I have made it multiple times and it is always a hit. Hope you enjoy!
Crack Dip
8 oz cream cheese, softened
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 package ranch dressing mix
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 cup shredded cheddar
1/3 cup bacon bits*
2 green onions, sliced
Mix cream cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, ranch dressing mix and garlic powder with a mixer on medium speed. Fold in remaining ingredients. Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving.
*you can eliminate the bacon if you want a vegetarian dip
You Needed Me - Anne Murray
I just felt like starting my Thursday with some Anne Murray. This song in particular really resonates with me at this point in my life. In a world so filled with hatred for others, especially in this country, we all need people who need us and whom we need. Giving is a two way street and giving to others is so important right now. And accepting giving from others is just important. I remember this song from the Anne Murray's Greatest Hits cassette that Mom used to own. We listened and sang along so many times to that cassette in the car. Those are good memories. And, it's a beautiful song! Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Relaxing with Piano
One of the things I miss about not having a piano is the relaxation that comes with it. Now, back when I was taking piano lessons, sitting down at the piano was not necessarily a relaxing thing. Practicing scales which, by the way, I was never good at, was far from fun. And the pieces I practiced usually had an end goal of a recital. And if you've been in a piano recital, you know that is a lot of pressure. And it's a long evening for those watching as well LOL
Still, I learned by example that playing the piano can be a way to relieve stress and make yourself feel better. Anytime that Mom was feeling down or worried about something she would go into the living room and sit down at the piano. It soothed her worries and made her feel better about life. It's a good coping mechanism. I did that a lot in college. When things got to be too much, I would take my music books and head over to the music building, find an empty practice room and play for hours. It made me feel so much better.
I really do wish I had one now. With the stresses of work and adding school on top of that, it would be so nice to just sit down on the piano bench and start playing. It's kind of like riding a bicycle in that you don't really forget how to do it no matter how long it's been. It might take a while to get back up to speed but your fingers will remember. All those hours of practicing would be worth it now. I miss that and hope to have it back again someday.
That is all.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
One Drawer at a Time - laundry room update
I've been doing my process in the laundry room but you can't tell LOL Oh well. That is not going to stop me from keeping on going with it. My major problem is where to put stuff. I have two sets of shelves out in there and my goal is to only have one set when all of this is said and done. But there are lots of things on the shelves that could potentially go out into the garage. Unfortunately, the garage is also an area of chaotic organization. And if I take things out there, I want to put them in a place where they will stay and that I know where there when I need them. These are things like extension cords (apparently I have a lot of them). And tools and such. Not that I don't need them inside, but if I can put them out I would like that.
The other issue I am running into is my excess of cleaning products. You would really think that my house would be much cleaner with all of the products I have. Most of them Michael bought and there's a lot LOL I don't want to throw them away if they are still useful, but that's the hard part. Trying to find a date on these containers is ridiculous. Most of them have these long sequences of numbers somewhere on them but nothing that even closely resembles a "best if used by" date on them. I don't want to hold on to them if they are expired but how can I tell otherwise? With the aerosol cans, I'm going by their condition. If there's rust on the bottom then yes, they are too old and out they go. That helps a little but all of these others I have no clue. I guess I'm going to have to clean a lot more and just use these products to make some space!
Still, I am going to keep plugging away at the laundry room. It may actually take me longer than the kitchen even though it's only one third the size but it will be worth it!
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Daily Challenge - March
This month, I am going to focus on things around the house to get done daily. The other day at work during my lunch break, I watched a YouTube video on things people who have neat houses do every day. While my house is not unclean, it could use some daily sprucing up. Anyway, I thought that the video had some very good points. Not all of them applied to me, but about half did so those are the ones I am going to work on this month.
1. Wash and put away dishes - There really is nothing like going into the kitchen first thing in the morning to make my coffee and the kitchen is clean. That does not happen nearly as much as it should. I am notorious for leaving dishes in the sink. Either I'm soaking them because they've been caked on with something or I'm just being lazy. I need to make sure that the dishes are cleaned every day. And that could mean also just making sure dirty dishes are in the dishwasher and not left out. I don't have to run the dishwasher every day as I am just one person so at least getting them correctly out of side would be sufficient.
2. Trash - I don't take the trash out every day. person here. But what I can do is make sure I empty all of the random trash cans throughout the house into the kitchen trash can every day. I don't like to take the kitchen trash out if the bag isn't full. Unless, of course, something in there smells then by all means let's take it out. And this way, the kitchen can will fill up more often.
3. Make beds - I already do this every day. I like to crawl into bed each night in a bed that's been made. It makes me feel neater than I really am. I put it here as a reminder to keep doing it!
4. Bathroom surfaces - I hate cleaning the bathrooms. If I can get myself into the habit of wiping down the bathroom surfaces and making sure the mirrors are cleaned, then when I go into clean the entire bathroom, my job will be a little easier. I just cleaned my bathroom sink yesterday and hated the experience. Like I said, I had let it go on far too long and it was a pain in the butt to try and clean it. It's still not amazing looking but it is much better. I think I would appreciate not having that level of cleaning stress on me if I just took the initiative to maintain it.
5. Kitchen sink and counters - I use my kitchen every day in one form or another. Whether it's cooking or reheating leftovers or making coffee, etc., my kitchen is in constant use. But, again, I am notoriously bad at cleaning my sink and counters. Michael used to do it a lot because a dirty sink drives him crazy. For me, I can live with it apparently. But, that's not a good excuse. I need to get into the habit of wiping them down every day. Especially after I have been cooking, particularly if I have had raw meat out to cook. I have so many wipes available to me right now that this is a good place for me to use them.
These are things that I should be doing every day. Mainly because I keep saying that I want my house ready for company if the occasion ever arises. Doing these on a daily basis will help me keep up with the house better. And in the end, I will feel better about myself and that's really what matters. Now, I'm off to wash my dishes.
That is all.
Quote of the week
Friday, March 1, 2024
Spring Break
Spring break is next week. Of course, it isn't spring yet, but that's never stopped spring break before! I am very much looking forward to not having to rush home every day and spend 3 to 4 hours doing homework. I realize that is part of the fun of grad school, but this will be a nice break from that for me. I'm leaning towards the burned outside of school right now, so I could use this time to rejuvenate. I am taking a few days off of work as well towards the end of the week. I do have to go in on one of those days because the committee I chair is having a meeting and I need to be there for that.
I'm looking forward to having a few stress-free days. I will sleep in, which means I'm up by 6:30 a.m. I don't mind getting up that early on days off at all. It's a totally different kind of sleep when you wake up to an alarm as opposed to your body just telling you it's time to get up! I may try to take a day trip here and there. Maybe pop over and see Dad and June. May treat myself to a meal or two out. May go antiquing. Who knows. I have no plans and just want to see where the time takes me! I am very much looking forward to this and don't want to waste it. We shall see!
Things to work on in March
1. Diet
This is not just the typical need to eat healthier need. And, of course, I need to eat healthier. More salads, more fresh fruits and vegetables. That's a given. I need to work on not wasting food. I really try not to do that, but for anyone that doesn't remember, cooking for one is not easy. I tend to eat a lot of leftovers in order to avoid wasting food but after a while I just get really tired of it. I try to freeze leftovers but now my freezer is getting really full! I need to remember that when I go to make something I do not have to cook it all at once. Like I don't have to cook the entire box of pasta. I can cook half and save half for another time. Also, I have been trying to use what I have and to buy ingredients that I know I will use for several recipes. My stomach has been giving me some issues lately, so some dietary changes are definitely needed.
2. House
As you know, I have spent the last year putting my house together. I still have a long way to go but I'm happy with the progress I have made. I have a little time off from class....thanks spring break...and no plans so I am hoping to get more done. I like having it feel like my home. I want it to be ready for any company to come over so that I'm not stressing myself out at the last minute doing major cleaning. One of the guidelines I need to keep in mind is "don't put it down, put it away". If I would follow that, that would be a great first step. But I have so many boxes still to go through and explore. I have thrown out a lot in the past year. Would not have thought that, would you? But there's lots more to tackle. And I'm not necessarily looking to purge but that is a definite end result from this. I like my stuff and enjoy my stuff and USE my stuff, so I don't mind having a lot of it. But I want more order.
3. School
I'm burning out on school right now. I hate to say that, but it's true. My new class starts after spring break. Well, actually it started yesterday but I ain't doing nothing til after spring break. Sorry, Dr. Caro! But with this class I am going to try my best to work ahead. One reason is to lessen my stress. This last class stressed me out. Another reason is so that I can have at least one weekend day off from schoolwork. I think that it is important to have that kind of down time. Hopefully this will renew my excitement, even though I'm already not happy about the structure of this class. We shall see.
4. Job
I have been pretty dissatisfied at work lately. I'm not sure if this where change should come in my life right now. There are many pros and cons to my job. I think that's true for everyone, but I've been thinking a lot about it lately. Basically, I'm not really needed at work therefore I am the expendable one in my department. That's not a good feeling. So, this month I need to focus more on trying to improve that situation or begin looking for a new situation in earnest. I want to feel like I contribute. I want to feel like what I do is important and I'm just not getting that anymore. And just to clarify, this is how I feel about myself at work. My coworkers have not made me directly feel this way. I know that they appreciate me and enjoy my presence. But taking a step back and realizing that when I'm not there it does not make any difference in the day-to-day operations makes me feel unvaluable. That's got to change.
5. Exercise
I am a slug. I need to get up off of my butt and exercise. There's no getting around this one. I have things I want to do in life and if I'm not in better shape at some level, then those things are not going to happen. I need to start small and work my way up. Just to get my circulation in better shape to say the least. I know I put a lot of strain on my body by my sedentary lifestyle. If I want to see retirement age, even though I will never be able to afford to retire, I need to really start focusing on this now before it's too late.