It's been a long week, and I needed this today!
Saturday, August 31, 2024
The Dining Room Table
I have always loved my dining room table. It's a beautiful piece made by Henredon, I believe. At least that's what I've always been told. Grandmother purchased this in the early 60's. She'd had a darker wood, Duncan Phyfe style table before. She got a good deal on this table because it is flawed. Without the leaf in place, the table is flush. But when you add the leaf to it, the table is slightly skewed. So, with that flaw, it could not be sold retail, and she got a very good price for it.
She found the chairs that matched at Belk's in Charlotte. She and Mom did the red needlepoint seat covers for them. Grandmother also had the buffet and china cabinet refinished to match. I have so many memories of this table. Wonderful Sunday meals, birthday dinners, holiday meals and then just Grandmother and I together at the table. It's one of my cherished pieces and I look forward to creating many more memories around this table. Just let me know if you want to join!
Monday, August 26, 2024
Thought of the Day - We are turning into...
We are turning into the country that we used to fight wars over to protect people from and if people do not really stop and see what is going on, then history will only be left to repeat itself. That is all.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
One Drawer at a Time - Time to begin again!
Well, I have finished my first whole house "one drawer at a time" project. And looking back over my blog, it has taken me one year to do this. Or at least that's how long it took without me doing this ever day. I began this process back last September and here it is August of 2024 and I have finally finished up with the living room. So, what is next? It is time to start the process all over again!
I feel like I made some good progress with this program. I have gotten rid of things that I don't use and have no sentimental attachment to. I have tossed things that are too far gone to be repaired. I have donated goods. I have reorganized and condensed where needed. It has really felt good to me to have done this. Now, the house still looks a mess right now but oh well. One thing at a time LOL So, my plan is to start all over again and see what is in store for round 2.
This time, it is going to be different because, come October, I am going to have a roommate. Jason, one of my closest and dearest friends, will be moving in and staying here part of each week. He's going to split his time between Greensboro and the lake house he shares with this partner. I am looking forward to having someone in the house with me again but, in order for that to work, it's time to get better organized and go through things again. I don't mind and, like I said before, I enjoy it. We shall see what is in store for this "trip" around the house. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Today's Moment of Mindfulness
"Whenever you arrive somewhere, give yourself a moment to "check in". Become aware of how your body is feeling - especially any aches and tensions. Take note of what emotions you are carrying. acknowledge all of this, taking no more than a minute, and you will be centered and present, ready to move on."
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
The first day of class
Well, here it is, my first day of class in grad school this semester. I am glad I checked my school email today because I was a week off, thinking that class began next week. Oops. So, now my daily schedule will change some. I need to start working in several hours a day for homework. I am ok with that as I really do enjoy my classes.
When I was young, the first day of class was always exciting for me because there really was a sense of wonder about it all. Not knowing who my teachers would be or who would be in my classes. The older I got, the less mystery was involved in that process. And now, as an older adult in grad school, I know exactly what I'm taking and who I'm taking it from. No worries about that at all.
But there is still that sense of wonder and excitement on the first day, even at this age. Even if the first day has come as a surprise because I had the wrong date in my mind LOL I'm not stressed out about having the wrong date because I'm not behind at all, really. I am looking forward to this class, so it will be a good experience for me.
Now, it is time to incorporate class into my world as an adult again. Having the summer break was good but it's time to get back to it! Wish me luck!
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Taking life at a slower pace this past week - daily challenge update
With my daily challenge being to take more time to just be and to slow down and not worry so much about getting things on my list done, I can let you know that I have been successful in that. I have spent most of my evenings this past week simply relaxing. I've watched movies and tv. I have read. I have listened to music. Just enjoying myself and it's been nice.
Now, on the flip side, my house is in a bit of disarray because I haven't been focused on my lists, but oddly enough I am ok with that. I probably should have mowed the grass earlier this week, but oh well. It will get done this weekend at some point. And the funny thing is that I am not bothered by the lack of checking things off of my list. I feel better by taking this time for myself. It feels good and I like that.
Today is Saturday and I am spending the day playing catch up on all of the things I did not do this week. Yet, again, I am taking my time. I'm not stressing myself out about any of it for a change. I'm liking this approach to my daily life and hope I will continue in this way.
That is all.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Thought of the day - You own a company
You own a company and pay your staff incredibly well, providing them with wonderful benefits and lots of amenities, yet they are not producing anything worthwhile. All they do is complain and spend the majority of their time bickering and trying to get each other fired. They have created a hostile work environment and your company's profitability is rapidly declining. Would you continue to keep these employees? Or would you fire them and seek out employees who would have your company's best interests at heart?
Something to think about with elections coming up. This is not about calling out one party or another. There are bad apples on both sides. This is simply a blanket statement about current politicians. That is all.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Somethings I do to clear my mind of negativity
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Grandmother Bivens' Tea Set
I love this old tea set. It belonged to my Great Grandmother Bivens. For years, before it came into our possession, it sat on the dining room mantle in the homeplace in Wingate. When Aunt Sara's estate was being divided up, Mom let me pick out a few things that day. This was one of the things that I chose. Of course, by the way it sat on the mantle, I didn't know that the sugar and creamer were broken. Still, I didn't care. I thought it was beautiful.
It sat in our living room at home for years until it came into my house. I have always enjoyed having it in the various places that I have lived. When we moved into the house, it eventually got packed away and stored in the garage. Of course, it was not all packed in the same box. That would be way too convenient LOL
Last year, as I was going through a box, I came across the sugar bowl with lid. I decided that I wanted to keep it out. So, I put it into the curio cabinet so that I could look at it often. Then, just a few weeks ago, I was going through another box and found the tea pot and the creamer. The handle on the creamer is broken off. So is one of the handles on the sugar bowl. Still, I loved that I found them and could put the set back together!
Now they sit on top of my curio cabinet. I have arranged them in the same fashion that Aunt Sara had them so that you don't really see the broken parts unless you're looking hard LOL It's just another piece of family history that I like to have as part of my every day life. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 10, 2024
One Drawer at a Time Update
Friday, August 9, 2024
Berry Busy Bug
One of the things that have enjoyed in my adult years is searching out some of the toys that I never had as a child. I have especially enjoyed this now that I am single and have room to have my stuff on display. The Berry Busy Bug is one of the toys in the Strawberry Shortcake miniatures line. Now, while I had plenty of the miniatures, this is one of the toys that I didn't have.
Every time I hit an antiques or thrift store, I keep my eye open for some of the toys that I want. Mostly, though, I find them on Ebay. This one I paid about $20 for and that's not bad at all. It's in great condition and came with the original box. The box has seen better days, but at least it's there, right?
You can fit four of the miniatures in there. One in each flower and one in the wheelbarrow. I think it's a very cute piece and I am enjoying it being in my collection. Right now, I have it in the bookcase of my secretary, so I see it every time I sit at the computer. One day I will pass these on to someone. Maybe if one of my nieces are interested or if I have a friend who also collects. Until then, I will enjoy them for myself. There are still a few pieces in this line that I do not have, but I am always on the hunt for them. Wish me luck!
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Different kind of Daily Challenge for August
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Today's Moment of Mindfulness
"Allow time for silence and feel the stress receding from your mind"
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Storms are coming
We've got some bad weather heading our way, potentially, thanks to Tropical Storm Debby. We haven't had a good storm system come through like that in a while. As much as I love a good storm, I will admit that it is one time I really do not like being in the house alone. I worry that something will happen, and I won't know exactly how to handle it. I know that I can handle it, but it's that thought of doing it on my own that worries me sometimes. And I have not thought ahead about the storm season. I made a list of emergency supplies I would need if something were to happen, but do you think I've checked anything off of that list? Nope. And Lord knows the stores will be super crowded tomorrow with people expecting the worst. And I cannot say that I blame them.
I often think of hurricane Hugo that hit Monroe in the fall of 89. That was totally unexpected for our community, and it was quite an adventure. I remember Mom and Dad waking me up in the middle of the night to come into the den. Hearing that storm raging outside and worried about people that I knew. And worried about us as well. But I was home, and I was safe. That's what I miss right now. That sense of home and safety that does not always come with living alone. Ah, well. First world problems. I will just have to wait and see what this storm does. I know I will be able to handle it, it would just be nice not to have to handle it alone these days.
That is all.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Sometimes you just have to mow
I really do not mind mowing, I just rarely do it these days. Michael still comes over once every few weeks and mows and works in the yard. He enjoys it, or at least he says he does. Either way, it's fine by me. I have enough to try to get done and even though I am working on balancing my indoor/outdoor domestic duties, I am a long way off from achieving that! Anyway, I have been mowing more right now and actually have enjoyed it. Say what you will, but it's good exercise. I work up a very good sweat and get my steps in.
Michael has been unable to mow for the past few weeks, so I have stepped in. It may not be the prettiest mowing job in the world, but it's getting done. This morning, I mowed Lois's yard because Michael does hers too and asked if I could help out. I didn't mind at all and again, while it's not the best-looking job, it is done. I haven't mowed enough in my yard or Lois's to get the correct pattern down so it will take a few times. Do I go back and forth? Do I go around the outer perimeter until I finish in the middle? These are choices that have to be faced, and I am still experimenting LOL
I mowed my yard last Saturday, as in over a week ago and not yesterday. But with all of the rain we've been having, thank goodness, it is time to mow again. I don't think I will do it today but perhaps tomorrow after work. Next up will be tackling the weed eater. I haven't used one in over 30 years probably. And while I'm sure they're basically still the same, I couldn't figure out how to get the one I've got started. Again, it's a Michael thing that he'll have to show me. This one is battery powered and I just didn't see how to get going. Ah, well. It will get figured out eventually.
This is part of the fun of being in a house. I actually do enjoy it and I hope that I can build up my greenthumbing skills! That is all!
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Just tired this week.
Yesterday, I was incredibly tired of everything in life. Today is not much better, really. But I did allow myself to sleep in until my body was ready to get out of bed. That felt good. Now, I need to take these feelings of frustration and use them as a foundation on which to build upon. I need to really look at the things that are causing this negative energy to envelop me and figure out ways to turn them into positives.
This weekend, I will be home alone as usual. I don't mind staying at home, but there's a big difference in staying at home because you choose to and staying at home because you have no other choice. I talked to a friend of mine about that this week and how frustrating it can be. Having friends and doing things costs money, which I do not have any extra of right now. I get to occasionally go out, especially when someone else is offering to treat, but it's a rarity like this week's outings have been. Very few people want to come over to the house and just visit or play cards or listen to music, etc. Especially not new friends. And, as much as I hate to say it, with gay men an invitation to come hang out is usually assumed to mean hook up and I have no interest in that. At least, not at this point in my life.
I have also struggled with my work identity this week. I don't have much of a purpose in my job right now other than handling long term care insurance for my residents. And that only takes up a fraction of my time while the rest is spent with busy work that either I create or gets handed to me. And I don't have my own space at work and that truly makes me feel like I'm not a valued member of the team. I realize that is a first world problem, but I want a job that will let me have my own space one day. I honestly don't even know what to call my job. Technically, I'm a customer service representative but I'm not needed as there are always three other people on the front line whenever I work. Oh well.
Everything will get sorted out eventually. In the meantime, I've just got to find a way to thrive in my mediocre existence.
That is all.