Friday, October 4, 2024

Student Adventures - the final weekend of class

 Here I am in the final weekend of my class.  It ends officially on Monday.  At least, that is when I have to turn everything in.  I have one final paper that I am working on this weekend and then I will be done.  I have enjoyed this class immensely and have learned a lot from it.  And one of the ways that this class differs for me from other ones that I have taken is that I look at this class as a springboard to other learning.  The topics we have covered in elder law have been quite interesting, but I know that we have only touched the surface on many of them. I want to learn more about them.  Things like Medicare and Medicaid can be extremely complicated and if you don't know your way around the system, it could be disastrous.

I do have to work this weekend as well, so I will be working on my paper when I have downtime at work. It's ok, I have permission!  But I will tell you honestly that I am struggling with this paper.  I turned in an outline several weeks ago that I got good marks on.  I missed a few of the required things she wanted, but that's how it goes.  Still, I was happy with the feedback.  I have just had a hard time getting started on it.  I know that once I get going, it will really flow.  I just have this block right now. My topic is why aging members of the LGBTQ+ community fear going into nursing homes. It's a topic that I find engaging and it's close to who I am.  I've found many great articles on the topic. It is simply going to be a matter of putting pen to paper.  Or fingers to keyboard, actually LOL

Hopefully I can get my stress level down and be productive.  I don't want to crap out at this point in the game.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!