Sunday, June 9, 2024


 This past week, I started clearing out space in my garage to begin using my heavy bag and other exercise equipment. It's good for me to get things in better order out there so that I can utilize what I have.  I did a quick workout on the bag and came to realize two things.  One is that I have absolutely no strength in my arms.  There is no muscle tone there at all and I really need to work on that.  My arms are sore just from that quick workout.  I don't think I could even attempt a push up right now if I tried LOL  The second thing I realized is that my cardio sucks!  It's really bad.  I know that years of smoking and vaping have not helped so I really need to start building that back up.

One of the things about boxing that is vital is cardio.  That's why you see so many cardio boxing and cardio kickboxing classes.  While it's a great way to strengthen and maintain your cardio habits, you really need a good cardio base to begin.  I don't have that right now.  So, for awhile I'm going to focus on cardio.  I don't know exactly what all I am going to do for that, but I am going to get started none the less. I don't particularly enjoy walking and hiking, at least by myself, but I know it's something I am going to have to do more of.  I think there's some kind of exercise bike out in the garage.  At least, it looks like one LOL So, I may see if I can get that up and running.  

I know that I will feel better overall once I begin to improve my cardio.  And not just when it comes to boxing, but in all aspects of life.  I will sleep better. I will have more energy. My heart health will improve. My circulation will improve.  I have all of these reasons staring me in the face to work on my cardio, so it's time I get my butt in gear and do it.  I saw a motto the other day that said "Results not excuses" and that really hit me to the core.  I can make an excuse for just about anything.  I think it's because for so long when I have thought about "results" I am only seeing the end goal.  It's going to be one pound at a time not some overnight success story, which does not happen unless you know a good plastic surgeon!

So, it's time to start working on the process and taking the results one day at a time. Here's to better health!

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