Sunday, June 2, 2024

Missing being in a handbell family


One of the things I miss most about being in a handbell choir is the sense of family that comes with that.  Handbells are instruments that you either love or you don't.  There's very little in between with them I'm learning.  I, of course, love them.  I love playing them and I love listening to them.  It's a magical sound to me. So, chances are if you are part of a handbell choir, it's because you love them.  At least as an adult.  I remember being a child at FBC in Monroe and our minister of music, Jim Reich, would often recruit kids via their parents into being in the handbell choir.  Most of them didn't love it like I did.  People were more willing to be there once I was in the you bell choir.  With the adult choir, though, everyone really wanted to be there.  Not everyone was a good ringer, but they all wanted to serve the church in that way and that made it special.  By the way, I started ringing with the adult choir when I was in 8th grade. I still rang with the youth choir but was allowed to join the adult choir because of my love for the instrument.

That choir was, and is, so special to me.  We were a family.  I still have many good friends from that experience.  Many of the members that I rang with have passed away, but they are still so special to me:  Imogene Griffin and Doris Martino.  We would all go to bell festivals and have such a good time.  We'd eat out together during the trips and find things to do during our free time.  The handbell choir even threw me a graduation party when I graduated from high school.  They gave me a great piece of luggage which I still have today and still use.  I miss that time very much.  We were more than just friends, we were a family.  I keep up with several of my handbell choir family members to this day. That is one of the reasons that I want to join a handbell choir.  Not only to make music but to make friends.  Handbell ringers are a special breed of musician and I long for that again.  I'll get back there one day!

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