Friday, June 14, 2024

Starting To Research for My Capstone Project

 I have put a lot of weight on my upcoming capstone project for school.  Obviously, so much so that I have delayed it for a year because I was not sure what I wanted to do.  As I have stated before, this is the only "hands on" experience that I will have with this degree, and I want to make it a good one.  This week I have started an intense period of self-reflection in my life, which is very good for me even if it does not always come across that way. I need to focus some of that energy on preparing for my capstone.

One of the reasons that I did begin this self-reflection is because of my education.  The gerontology department is very good about sending out links to jobs.  I usually do not even bother with them because I'm still in school and I have full time employment at the moment.  But the other day, I decided to start clicking on some the links that my professor was sending.  And most of the jobs listed wanted, along with the master's degree, experience in different areas from what my experience is in.  And instead of letting this be an obstacle for me, I am going to use this to look for my capstone project.

Just a random example of job requirements, not something I was looking at.

I am going to start looking at jobs that involve working with the elderly and really scouring the requirements to see what they want that I don't have experience with.  Here's an example:  many jobs are looking for people who have experience doing assessments.  I have never done an assessment on anyone before.  So that's an area I would like some experience in.  I am going to take that kind of job requirement and form a list.  This will help me to look for a capstone project that will give me some experience in those areas.  At least, that is the hope.  We shall see how that goes.

That is all.

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