Sunday, June 30, 2024

Student ID

 Now that I'm going into my third (and hopefully final) year of grad school, I think I am going to finally get a student ID for the year.  I had to get one when I got my bachelor's degree because that was mostly in person learning.  With the online programs, you don't really need that to be a student.  I have a student ID number but not the physical ID.  Many of my classmates do not live here so having a physical ID would be a silly requirement.

My Old ID from undergrad

The reason I want one this year is because I want to take advantage of all of the cultural opportunities that UNCG has to offer this year.  There are so many good performances from the theater, dance and music departments.  Guest speakers and lecturers in different departments.  Sporting events like baseball, basketball, etc. Just lots of activities going on that I want to participate in this year.  And yes, most of these events are open to the public but it's much cheaper if I go to them as a student.  And I do love to fit into my budget LOL

Last year, I went to see a few plays at UNCG.  They were both very entertaining, but I could have gotten the tickets at 1/4 the price if I had a student ID. That's a difference that will definitely add up!  And, also, it will be nice to have a physical memento of this time in my life.  I'm not counting the actual degree LOL  I've got a few days off coming up on weekdays, so I need to research the process of getting my ID.  We'll see how it goes!

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