Monday, June 3, 2024

Sorting through school papers


Over the past two years of being in school, I have not had to purchase very many books.  Most of my materials have been provided online by the professors. That's been a very nice thing as far as expenses go because textbooks are ridiculously expensive.  They always have been.  I used to hate that in undergraduate school the first time around.  We'd have to buy all of these books and either ended up not using them at all or the book only had one small portion that was needed for class.  Of course, this was in the days before the internet so in some ways I understand it.  But it was always a large chunk of money to spend on something you rarely used.  Anyway, I have only had to purchase a few books for this degree and luckily, the books I have purchased have all been quite useful and I have kept them.

That being said, I have accumulated 3 boxes of materials from the classes that I have taken online.  I will often print out the materials and read them away from the computer.  It's easier for me to highlight and make notes if I have an actual piece of paper in front of me. But now I need to figure out if any of these papers are worth keeping.  Now that we're in the digital age, all of these articles and chapters of books are available somewhere online.  So, do I hang on to the hard copies or not?  I just don't know.  I am going to have to begin the arduous task of sorting through the papers and see which ones I want, and which can be recycled.  I know I'll end up keeping quite a few because of the notes I have written on them.  But I believe that I can condense them into one box instead of three.  Heck, I may even be organized enough to put them into notebooks for easy reference later on. They may come in handy with my final project.  

Anyway, I am thankful for not having to purchase so many books and that far outweighs the task of sorting through these papers. It's simply a matter of me getting it done.  

That is all. 

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