Friday, June 7, 2024

Handling myself differently in the dating world

 Now that I am beginning to get back into dating and being social, I need to take what I have learned from my past experiences and build upon that.  I need to be more cautious and just slow down.  When I'm interested in someone, I have the tendency to go too fast.  I think way too far ahead and set myself up for potential disappointment.  Sometimes that game plan works and sometimes it doesn't.  So, I want to remind myself that simply dating is just that.  Dating.  It's not a relationship yet.  It may never be, but it just may well be.  I need to enjoy the journey as I am taking it and not be so result oriented.  Granted, that may be hard to do considering I'm pushing 50 and am not exactly sure of my wants and desires right now. Do I want something long-term or do I just want to see what's out there for a while.  There is no answer to that question for me because I am open to many possibilities.  It's the tempo of it that I want to work on.  If the right person comes along, I'm not going to look the other way because I think I need to play the field.  Or if the date doesn't go well, I need to remind myself that kind of thing happens.  Not everything is going to be a magical experience. Take a deep breath, be glad I had the experience and move on to something else. 

There are times when I come on pretty strong when I'm interested in someone.  I want to take some steps back and look at the whole situation before making an idiot of myself.  I do not mean to come across as clingy, but I tend to get excited when it feels right. And it is totally fine if someone says to me "hey, slow down a bit". There truly is no need to rush into things.  Basically, be it a relationship or simply going out on a date, I want to take my time and enjoy the process.  I've made some good friends from dates that never went anywhere else and that is great.  I'll take all of the friends I can these days!  I also do not want distance to be an issue, but I have to be careful there.  I do not want to get caught up in the fantasy and the stress of thinking about relocating just yet.  If you saw my house, you would understand that.  But I tend to start looking around other places when things are going well.  Again, Bob, slow down.  I do not want to uproot my life unless it is absolutely the right thing to do. 

It's fun for me exploring this side of the dating scene.  I did not date much at all until I was in my 20s. And now that I'm in my 40s, I am finding that the old-fashioned dating is really nice. When it's not about hooking up but getting to know someone.  That's when it's fun for me.  And when I really get to know someone and start to have some kind of feelings, that makes the physical part of it even that much more fun when it happens.  I have had several dates now where it was just dating, and sex did not play a part of that.  It has been really nice because I feel like someone is interested in me, the person, and that makes all the difference in the world.

We'll see how I do with all of this.  I just wanted to get a few thoughts out.  That is all.

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