Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sheet Music

As I am going through things in the garage and getting things more organized, one of the things that I am coming across a lot of is sheet music.  There's a pretty good amount of sheet music in different boxes out there.  I recently moved my antique music cabinet back into the house and it was full of sheet music. And the music all comes from different places.  Some is mine, some was Mom's, and some is from my Grandmother's generation. It has been fun to see it again.  I did not really look too deeply into the collection just because that was not the focus of what I was doing out there. I'll save that for another day.

I need to do some research on preserving sheet music because some of it is quite old and fragile.  And there are also lots of hymnals out there as well.  What can I say?  We like hymns in our family haha!  But it's been really nice to find my personal sheet music.  Lots of memories come back from recitals and performances and those times I would just sit down and play for myself and relax.  Even though I don't have a piano at this time, when I come across a piece that I used to enjoy playing, I will put my hands down on a flat surface and play an imaginary piano.  Menotti is a particular favorite composer to play.  And David Lanz.  And all of the Christmas music. 

There is lots to go through and organize, but I am looking forward to it.  Hopefully, one day I'll have a piano again and can put all of this music to work!

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