Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What do I want and what do I need to work on?

 I really need to start thinking about what I want out of life.  I need to look at specific areas and see where improvements and changes can and should be made.  Looking at the individual elements will help me to create the bigger picture of who I want to be.  I'm sure a list will come in handy LOL But then, for me, the big question is do I work on just one thing at a time?  Or do I try to multitask rebuilding my life?  I will be the first to admit that I am not a great multitasker.  But I have also learned from experience that if I focus solely on one aspect of life, the other ones go to pot.  I don't want that to happen either.  It's no fun and one of the major reasons that my life has changed so much in the past two years.

How specific to I need to be?  Do I make broad generalizations in categories so that multiple things can fit under that umbrella?  There are so many options and there is no right or wrong because what may work for one person is not necessarily going to work for another.  Right now, I'm thinking maybe some broader goals with specific bullet points is the right thing for me to try, at least to try first.  One of the things that I'm thinking about trying is a technique that we used when I was in college, the first time, studying acting.  With one particular professor, whatever character we were playing we had to do packing on.  And by packing, we had to create the past, present and future of the character.  What happened to them to get them where they are now?  What is their life like now and what hopes do they have for the future.  Obviously, I don't need to create my past because it is already there.  But I am thinking of writing a description of the person I would like to be and see if I can incorporate that into some things to work on.  It's just an idea right now but it might be good for me to tap back into my creative side to push myself forward.

Thinking on the broad subject areas, I am going to go back to some of the areas of health that we focused on in my last class.  Yes, I know I bitched about that class a lot, but I also did learn a good deal from it. I still don't want to watch Up anytime soon though!  I will start by focusing on these areas of health:  physical, mental, spiritual, vocational and financial.  That's a big chunk to chew on but I don't really want to start small.  I'm getting too old for that and need to go big. And if I fail big, at least I will have tried.  We shall see how this goes.  I've got a lot to consider and a lot of work to do.

That is all.   

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