Sunday, June 23, 2024

Using My Daily Affirmations to Build Upon


When I look at my spiritual health, there are two different things that I mean by that.  One side of it is religion, which is important to me.  The other side of spiritual health is my inner peace and balance.  That is what I'm going to talk about today.  Over the past 18 months I have been exploring my inner peace and learning to take advantage of that. As much as I want things to happen quickly, I know that if I slow down and take it all in, it will help me to balance.

In my daily challenge for this month, I have been doing daily affirmations.  These have been very helpful to me.  They make me stop and think about who I am and who I deserve to be.  While it is not always the case, most of the affirmations begin with the phrase "I am".  That is very impowering to me.  It's been so long since I have done things based on "I am" and thought of myself first, so this has been good for me. Of course, there were times in my past when I put myself first, but this is different.  This is truly intentional and an act of self-reflection.  Telling myself that I am worthy, or I am allowed to take up space makes me feel lighter, as if I am slowly removing the bad perceptions of myself that I have had for so many years.  The daily affirmations come with a sense of freedom that I have not known for a long time.

As I work on building my life, or rebuilding my life depending on how one looks at it, I want to first focus on my foundation.  Starting work from the bottom up. Having that solid foundation will allow me to grow and blossom.  And the daily affirmations are helping me to do that.

That is all.

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