Sunday, August 11, 2024

Grandmother Bivens' Tea Set


I love this old tea set.  It belonged to my Great Grandmother Bivens.  For years, before it came into our possession, it sat on the dining room mantle in the homeplace in Wingate.  When Aunt Sara's estate was being divided up, Mom let me pick out a few things that day.  This was one of the things that I chose.  Of course, by the way it sat on the mantle, I didn't know that the sugar and creamer were broken.  Still, I didn't care.  I thought it was beautiful. 

It sat in our living room at home for years until it came into my house. I have always enjoyed having it in the various places that I have lived.  When we moved into the house, it eventually got packed away and stored in the garage.  Of course, it was not all packed in the same box.  That would be way too convenient LOL

Last year, as I was going through a box, I came across the sugar bowl with lid. I decided that I wanted to keep it out. So, I put it into the curio cabinet so that I could look at it often.  Then, just a few weeks ago, I was going through another box and found the tea pot and the creamer.  The handle on the creamer is broken off.  So is one of the handles on the sugar bowl.  Still, I loved that I found them and could put the set back together!

Now they sit on top of my curio cabinet.  I have arranged them in the same fashion that Aunt Sara had them so that you don't really see the broken parts unless you're looking hard LOL  It's just another piece of family history that I like to have as part of my every day life.  Enjoy!

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