Saturday, August 17, 2024

Taking life at a slower pace this past week - daily challenge update


With my daily challenge being to take more time to just be and to slow down and not worry so much about getting things on my list done, I can let you know that I have been successful in that.  I have spent most of my evenings this past week simply relaxing.  I've watched movies and tv.  I have read.  I have listened to music.  Just enjoying myself and it's been nice.

Now, on the flip side, my house is in a bit of disarray because I haven't been focused on my lists, but oddly enough I am ok with that.  I probably should have mowed the grass earlier this week, but oh well.  It will get done this weekend at some point.  And the funny thing is that I am not bothered by the lack of checking things off of my list.  I feel better by taking this time for myself. It feels good and I like that.  

Today is Saturday and I am spending the day playing catch up on all of the things I did not do this week.  Yet, again, I am taking my time.  I'm not stressing myself out about any of it for a change.  I'm liking this approach to my daily life and hope I will continue in this way.

That is all. 

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