Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Storms are coming

 We've got some bad weather heading our way, potentially, thanks to Tropical Storm Debby.  We haven't had a good storm system come through like that in a while.  As much as I love a good storm, I will admit that it is one time I really do not like being in the house alone.  I worry that something will happen, and I won't know exactly how to handle it.  I know that I can handle it, but it's that thought of doing it on my own that worries me sometimes.  And I have not thought ahead about the storm season.  I made a list of emergency supplies I would need if something were to happen, but do you think I've checked anything off of that list? Nope.  And Lord knows the stores will be super crowded tomorrow with people expecting the worst.  And I cannot say that I blame them.

I often think of hurricane Hugo that hit Monroe in the fall of 89.  That was totally unexpected for our community, and it was quite an adventure. I remember Mom and Dad waking me up in the middle of the night to come into the den.  Hearing that storm raging outside and worried about people that I knew.  And worried about us as well.  But I was home, and I was safe.  That's what I miss right now.  That sense of home and safety that does not always come with living alone.  Ah, well.  First world problems.  I will just have to wait and see what this storm does. I know I will be able to handle it, it would just be nice not to have to handle it alone these days.

That is all. 

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