Saturday, August 24, 2024

One Drawer at a Time - Time to begin again!


Well, I have finished my first whole house "one drawer at a time" project.  And looking back over my blog, it has taken me one year to do this.  Or at least that's how long it took without me doing this ever day.  I began this process back last September and here it is August of 2024 and I have finally finished up with the living room.  So, what is next?  It is time to start the process all over again!

I feel like I made some good progress with this program.  I have gotten rid of things that I don't use and have no sentimental attachment to.  I have tossed things that are too far gone to be repaired. I have donated goods.  I have reorganized and condensed where needed.  It has really felt good to me to have done this.  Now, the house still looks a mess right now but oh well.  One thing at a time LOL  So, my plan is to start all over again and see what is in store for round 2.

This time, it is going to be different because, come October, I am going to have a roommate.  Jason, one of my closest and dearest friends, will be moving in and staying here part of each week.  He's going to split his time between Greensboro and the lake house he shares with this partner. I am looking forward to having someone in the house with me again but, in order for that to work, it's time to get better organized and go through things again.  I don't mind and, like I said before, I enjoy it.  We shall see what is in store for this "trip" around the house.  Wish me luck!

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