Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Somethings I do to clear my mind of negativity

One of the things that I am trying to do to keep my mental health in good shape is to find ways to occupy my mind.  It seems like everywhere I turn it's bad news and horrific things I see.  With the upcoming elections, trying to find anything good is almost near impossible.  And that is not good for my mental health.  So much negativity.  I don't have time for that right now.  I know that there are people who thrive on that kind of information and that kind of attitude but I am not one of them.

So, I am trying to work each night at finding things to do that will relax me and let me just clear my mind of the day's buildup of crap.  It's not always crap, to be honest, but it is often hard to avoid.  I watch a lot of tv lately and most of that is old, classic tv.  I love these kinds of shows because they were written well, didn't rely on graphic violence or sex or language to provide good programming.  I also like to read.  I need to read more and escape into some other world for a few hours each night.  Word puzzles are another great way I like to occupy my time.  There's some kind of great satisfaction when I complete a crossword puzzle.  It doesn't happen often, but it's a sweet victory when it does LOL

I'd love to hear some of the ways that you like to clear your mind.  I'm very much open to suggestions these days!


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