Saturday, August 10, 2024

One Drawer at a Time Update


Well, I am almost through with my living room.  I've got about 7 more sessions of "one drawer at a time" in there and then I will be done with that one.  And I just realized that this means I will have been through the entire house.  That's pretty amazing to me.  It would not have taken so long if I had done some every day.  But, alas, life gets in the way sometimes and other things take precedence over my list of to do items.  Still, I am feeling quite accomplished.

Today, I worked a shelf in one of my china cabinets.  This particular shelf holds mostly serving pieces like bowls, platters and small pitchers.  And while I did not get rid of anything, I do have it better organized.  I did run across a few items that were on the back of the shelf that I had forgotten were in there.  3 silver plates to be exact.  One is silverplated and engraved with the date July 28, 1914.  This would have been a 5th anniversary gift to Bunyan and Mary Lee Tyner.  Now, I don't know if Bunyan gave it to Mary Lee or if it was presented to them as a couple, but it's still a nice momento.  Another plate is a sterling plate engraved MLT.  Once again, this was Mary Lee's.  She received a set of these plates as a gift from the Sunday school class that she taught in NYC, so that would date it to the teens of the early 20th century.  The third plate is also sterling and engraved Fletcher Dorm President 1965-66.  This was given to Mom for her service as her dorm's president.  These were fun things to find and now they are all carefully tucked away again on the shelf.   Thanks for listening!

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