Thursday, October 25, 2012

time off social media

over the last 24 hours, i decided i needed to take some time away from social media sites and chat sites.  i feel like i was spreading myself very thing, trying to keep up with everything and everyone and that's near impossible to do.  Facebook, although a good tool for keeping up with people that are far away, does still have it's frustrations.  A lot of times, as i've stated before, people try to be cute and funny when responding to posts when they have no freakin clue as to the tone of the post.  The joke is more important to them than the substance of what is being said.

And also, i very easily get sucked into online life.  i don't have a phone that has internet on it, so when i put something on a website, i'm actually physically sitting at the computer.  And sometimes i'll look up and 4 hours have passed.  i live behind profiles that make me out to be something i'm not right now.  maybe they're things i wish i was or hope to be one day, but right now it's not the case.

So, i did delete alot of profiles.  i kept a few but updated to let people know that i'm just taking time off and will be back every now and then to check on things.  It's not that i don't care what's going on in peoples' lives, i just need to focus on the reality of my own.

Anyway, it feels like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  i've done a 180 from where i was this time last night.  Normally, when Michael has a late night, i dread being home alone.  i usually get very depressed and lonely and i'm proud to say that didn't happen tonight.  i got up off my ass and did some straightening up.  did some cleaning.  and since noone was around, i did ALOT of singing!!  That's something i don't hardly every do, but it just happened so i let the notes flow hehe

Now, let's see what tomorrow holds!  Woohoo!

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