Monday, July 17, 2017

Thought for the day - Game of Thrones fan letter

Dear Game of Thrones,

Admittedly, I do not watch you.  I never have.  It's not that I do not want to, I just haven't yet.  Don't worry, you're on my list to watch.  Honestly, I can say that your genre is not something I am initially drawn to, but once I start watching I almost always enjoy.  That is why I have not seen you yet.  Plus, when something is so hyped like you are, I would rather wait until the hysteria has died down before taking that viewing plunge.

Back to my initial reason for writing this letter, though.  I wanted to thank you for having your premiere last night on HBO.  I missed it.  I saw no reason to start watching yet since I have not seen any previous season.  I would have been confused and Michael would have had to explain everything to me.  And I know that you know how annoying that is when you're watching a show you enjoy and having to constantly tell people what is going on.  Yeah, it's frustrating.

I sat at my computer last night while Michael watched your premiere.  Mostly, I viewed videos on Youtube.  It's what I like to do.  I tend to watch mostly animal rescues, mystery videos and POV Disney rides.  What can I say?  It is what I enjoy watching.  To each his own, I suppose.  Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.  Why, you may ask, since I do not watch you.  It is simply because for almost 4 straight hours last night, my Facebook feed was filled with you.  The majority of my friends on FB posted that they were watching you.  No doubt you had a huge audience.

I realize that there are lots of bad things going on in our world today.  However, it seems that has become almost all one sees online these days.  But for those almost 4 hours, it was all about you.  I did not have to get inundated with pro and anti Trump rhetoric.  I did not see stories about injustice and man's inhumanity to his fellow man.  I did not have to see how America compares to the rest of the world that provides health care to their citizens.   And I did not have to cut and paste anything to show that i care.  It was quite refreshing.

So, you now have a new fan in me.  Not because you are a great show, which I cannot say yet until I begin watching you, but because for a brief period of time there was some peace and quiet online and for once most people were focused on something that was not a tragedy.  And I really appreciated that.  I look forward to this season because I know now that there will be one time during the week that I can actually enjoy FB for what it originally intended to be....something fun.  Most days it is about as relevant as a high school slam book.  So, thanks for that!

Once you have finished your run, I will begin watching.  Late to the party, I know, but that's how I roll with popular trends.  Until then, thanks for a few hours of enjoyment at the expense of no one for a change.  It is much needed in our society.



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