Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Thought for the day

Well, I'm in my 4th week at the new job and am loving it.  Taking what I used to do before college with what I studied in college has been a good idea to get my foot in the door.  I enjoy working in hospitality and dining services.  It's hard work though, which people who have never done it don't always realize.  Anyway, I'm loving it so far even though my back and feet are killing me when I get home LOL

I have already fallen in love with the residents.  I knew that would happen, thought, so it's not a shock.  I am learning names very quickly.  I don't always get them right, but everyone is so nice about it.  And, honestly, they really like me.  Some of them say that I spoil them, which of course, I do.  I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, especially when you reach the status of senior citizen.  You made it this far, now it's time to relax and enjoy your years.  Even though I pride myself on doing a good job, I know that this is more about them than me.  This is their home and it is my job to make them feel as comfortable and as welcome as possible.  And I believe I am succeeding at that.

And, to top it all off, it's nice to have a paycheck again.  It will take me a little while to get back on track, but at least the bills are paid for the moment.  Michael's being great about helping out with that, but I'm ready to be able to hold my own.  It will come in time, I just have to be patient.  I am also still looking for other things because you never know what's around the corner.  But, for the moment, I am completely happy with where I am.  I enjoy the routine of a regular schedule.  Now i just have to learn how to balance things more.  It will get there and time will be my friend.

That is all.

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