In an effort to figure out the next step in my career path, whatever the hell that may be, I have been looking back over my resume'. To say that it is lackluster is an understatement. But, it is what it is and I cannot go back and change my job history. However, I can spruce it up without lying about it. Making something sound important can be a game changer. Having posted my resume' on various websites, the jobs that are suggested for me are all based on my work history. That makes sense, obviously, but they are not necessarily the jobs that I am looking for or are interested in. Nothing wrong with them, but been there, done that. So, I thought that maybe changing the wording of my resume' might result in something more desirable. Presentation is very important after all!
lawn mower - Environmental Manicurist
driver for Council On Aging - Motorist for the Retired
video rentals - Entertainment Agent
deliver driver - Food Transportation Technician
all around catering bitch - Event Operations Manager
bakery counter sales - Confectionery Marketer
waiter in old folks' home - Culinary Presentation Artist for the Aged
I'm not completely convinced that I will put these things on my resume', but it sure was fun coming up with these titles! But I would love to see what job suggestions pop up from these LOL
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