Sunday, July 14, 2019

Today, I am quite anxious but that's ok.  Tomorrow, I start a new adventure.  I will be transferring departments at work and am quite excited about that.  I will be working in resident relations as a CSR...basically, I will be at the front desk.  Woohoo! 

I am looking forward to this change for several reasons.  One is that I do not have that much actual office experience and I need that.  I haven't worked this kind of position before and it will look good on my resume' in the future...not that I'm going anywhere right now.  And the department I'm going into is very much a team atmosphere and that is very important to me.  Most of us will work individually but they always seem to have each others' backs and that is attractive to me.  The dining services position at Verra Spring that I am leaving had me in a team atmosphere with the other associates who work at Verra.  I will miss that and am glad I am stepping into another similar circumstance.

One of my career goals is to eventually run an assisted living facility.  This job will help me to learn new things that can contribute towards that goal.  I will learn things such as billing and insurance, intake assessments (hopefully) and other general pre management functions.  This will help me to be a more well rounded associate, as I have already worked in dining/hospitality and housekeeping.

And I am going to definitely have to make some changes to daily life because my schedule will change.  That's a good thing.  I just need to sit down and figure out what all that needs to be.  I can make it work.  I won't be having a day off during the week on a regular basis anymore, so everything I used to do on my day off will have to be divided among the days of the week.  Hopefully, this will keep me more on my toes.

Anyway, today's anxiety is a good thing and i will use this energy to prepare for my first day on the new job.  Send me some good energy!  Thanks!

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