Monday, December 28, 2020

Recipe of the Week - Brussels Sprout Salad

 We really enjoy brussels sprouts at our house so I am always looking for new ways to prepare them.  Normally, I just quarter them and saute' them in olive oil with salt and pepper. They're quite delicious this way.  However, I don't want to run any recipe into the ground so I am always on the hunt for something new.  When I was googling brussels sprouts, the search for brussels sprout salads came up so I clicked on it and found this.  We really enjoyed it and I will be making it again!  Enjoy!

Brussels Sprouts Salad

12-24 Brussels Sprouts

1/2 cup sliced almonds

1/2 cup crumbled bacon

1/2 cup romano cheese

1.5 Tbsp lemon juice

1/3 cup orange juice

1/2 cup olive oil

1 Tbsp minced garlic

In a small bowl, mix together lemon juice, orange juice and garlic.  Slowly add olive oil until it is all completely blended.  Refrigerate until ready to serve salad.  

Shred/finely chop your brussels sprouts.  Add almonds, bacon and cheese.  Toss to mix well.  When ready to serve, toss in the dressing and mix well!

*When choosing your sprouts, go for the larger ones as they will have more green leaves and less core.

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