Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Working on the Closet

 Well, I finally got around to start working on cleaning out the closet.  I'm not finished, not by any means, but have gotten a start on it.  In order not to overwhelm myself, I divided it into 3 sections.  Well, I didn't literally because it's already divided into 3 sections.  I just knew that if I tackled one section at a time, then I would get overwhelmed and just quit.  I tend to do that haha!

Going through the clothes was pretty painless.  I managed to both throw out things that were too worn to be donated and also started my donation pile.  Only one piece managed to be taken off the donation pile and put back in the closet....and that was not my decision either!  Most of my shirts still fit, even if I have to suck my gut in....ah, well.  I had some white shirts that the sleeves were way to short, so out they went.  I also realized that I have way more coats than I need.  I suppose I should start wearing some more often.  Still, I did manage to get rid of one that's really nice but I will never wear, so it's time for someone else to enjoy it.  The one piece that got returned was a vintage 70's brown leather fur lined jacket.  It's missing a few buttons, but it's fun and Michael wanted me to keep it.  So, back into the closet it went.  All in all, I was happy with having some more room in the hanging section.

The bottom of the closet was a little more daunting.  I'm not sure when the last time I'd actually seen the floor of the closet was.  Way too many travel bags, shoes, and just tons of miscellaneous crap.  I tend to just toss things into the bottom of the closet and think "I'll get to that later."  Well, it's now "later" and I'm getting to it LOL  I found boxes of Christmas cards...I think I won't have to buy any new ones for a few years.  There were jewelry boxes...found my high school ring...and boxes of old coins.  There were about 6 pairs of shoes in there I'd forgotten about, including some nice cowboy boots. And just lots of things that could be tossed.  

Now, the hard part.  When I take stuff out of the closet that doesn't belong there yet I'm not getting rid of it....where does it go now?  Some things found a home in the bedroom....at least temporarily....but many things are in a big pile in the office.  I'm not sure where they will end up but that's where they are for now.  The next task will be the top of the closet, which is more stuffed than the bottom.  So I imagine that my big pile of stuff in the office is going to get bigger for awhile.  

Of course, they may end up right back where they started, but if they do I will at least make an effort to organize them better.  Until my next adventure in purging....keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I tackle the rest of the closet.  Wish me luck!!

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