We have had some beautiful, warmer weather days this week and it has been wonderful. Of course, it will get cold again. It's still winter, after all. But that first taste of what spring will be like is always delicious and makes me want more. It also inspires me to start thinking about the changes I need to make and these few days of great weather have been no different.
It was a long week at work. In some ways it was very frustrating but it made me stop and think about my job and my career. I have some things I need to do at work as far as setting boundaries. I have a hard time saying no to things because I want to do a good job and be looked upon as a good associate. But I am realizing that there are going to be times when it is too much and I need to speak up about that. And it's absolutely fine to speak up about that. In addition to my duties as a CSR, I also do all of the long term care insurance invoice submissions and correspondence for many of our residents in the care buildings. I also do little things for each of the other departments and sometimes, not always, that gets taken advantage of. I need to not let that happen anymore because it definitely affects my frame of mind at work.
The warmer weather also makes me want to be healthier. I say that every year because every year it's true. I don't normally do it, but the feeling is definitely there. The thought of getting outside and being active is very appealing and it's time I did something about that. And there will be ways to help with that in how I eat and how I get out of my chair and make myself do things. It can be very frustrating because I know that it will make me feel better, I just always find some reason not to do it. I'm hoping I can correct that this year.
I am thinking of referring to some of my theatre training in helping with this. One of my professors was really big on "packing" a character. That is, coming up with a character's back story and character traits that are not always present in the text of the play. It usually helped make a more three dimensional character which, in turn, made it more fun to play. And I think I need to do that in my life....sit down and look at the characteristics I want to incorporate into my life and act upon them, make them become ingrained in my day to day existence and see the improvements in myself that I wish to make. I can do that if I just put my mind to it.
Ah, well. So much going on in my brain just because the temperature got to 65 LOL Now, I'm hoping spring will just hurry up and get here. I'm so ready for it!
That is all!