As I sit here this morning, watching the snow gently fall outside my window, I am reminded of the many wonders of nature that the Lord has given us. During this time of mostly being home bound and isolation for many, there are still joys to behold from the gifts of earth. My birdfeeder is crowded right now as the snow falls. While in my head I am thinking that these birds need to find shelter from the weather, in my heart I am grateful to be able to feed them and watch them on a daily basis. And, honestly, the same for the squirrels too. They have to eat as well and I don't mind.
Just the simple act of taking Squirt out for a walk can hold all sorts of pleasures. He takes so much time to stop and sniff everything.....and I mean everything....that sometimes I strive to be more like that. Taking in the scenes around me. I find myself looking at so many plants and trees and I am grateful that I live in a world that still has them. We have a tree that Michael planted in the front of our house. It's a Jane Magnolia and watching it grow over the years has been wonderful. I marvel at it's beauty. Finding more things like that in life has made the past year much more endurable.
I will not go out in the snow today unless I absolutely have to. Even though I find it so naturally beautiful, I also have no desire to leave the warmth of my house to be in it. That was fun when I was 6 but not 46 LOL Still, I will take a moment and thank God for letting me be here to witness it this morning. That is all.
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