One of the things I am going to work on this year is to find a place in my house for as many things as I can. All the while trying not to make the house look too overcrowded. This is not an impossible task but it is also not a quick one. It's going to take some time and there will be choices to make. Sometimes they will be hard choices, but they must be made. Yes, I have a lot of stuff and yes, I love my stuff. I just like it when everything has a place it needs to belong and I know where it is.
This is another way to hopefully downsize some. Now this is not to say that I'm going to give everything I don't find a place for away. I will give some of it away in one way or another, but not everything. I just need to have things more organized so that they are easier to find when I want or need them. For example, my collections of stuff. I have some fun collections of things that can be displayed such as Tom Clark gnomes and music boxes. What I would like to do is get them all at least stored together so that I can rotate them out and enjoy the different collections from time to time. That way they will not only have a specific place in the house to go but a specific place out in the garage so that I know exactly where to find them.
I am very bad about making piles around the house. Everywhere I look there is a pile and it's time to clean them up. There are piles to donate, piles to sell, piles to put out in the garage, etc. This is one of my downfalls. I make the piles with the best of intentions and then take months to follow through with that. Time to speed up that process. These piles all have specific destinations and it's time they go there. Another downfall is the imfamous "well, one day I might.....". We all do this. That one day almost never comes LOL It's a great excuse, though, but I really need to think hard when I say that to myself. It's a comfort technique because it can be scary to let go of things even though I know that I feel better afterwards. A fine line to walk there.
Well, I have a basic idea of what I'm wanting to do. It is now a matter of making myself do it and making the time to do it. And it can be done! I look forward to the challenge. And I will try not to get too much more stuff for myself in the process. Good luck with that one!
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