Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Continuing Adventures of Just a Waiter....when someone is passing

When you work in the senior industry, death is an inevitable factor that we are faced with.  It comes with the territory and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.  The same as in our lives, too. It is something that just must be dealt with and handled with as much dignity as possible.  Each death is different, so there is not standard with which to process it.  At least, in my book.  The day that how I deal with a resident's death becomes routine is the day I need to find a different career.

Heritage Greens is the home to many people.  And some of our residents choose to come back home to die.  Not trying to be blunt, but that is the truth.  Honestly, I would much prefer a resident coming back to live out his/her final days with us in the place where they love than in a hospital or hospice somewhere.  I believe that it is better for the resident and the resident's family.  Now, circumstances will not always allow that depending on medical conditions, but I firmly believe that if it can happen it should.

One of the questions we are faced in this circumstance is making the choice to go and see the resident or remember them as they were before.  It's a hard choice to make and there is no right answer.  Let me repeat that...there is no right answer.  Each of us deals with death and dying differently so no one should be faulted for how they deal with a residents active passing.  I totally understand both sides of this issue.  I have been on both sides of this issue and each has their pros and cons for me.  So I can say from experience that I have been deeply affected from both.

Currently, we have a beloved resident who has come back home to spend his final days.  And we are all struggling with whether or not to go and see him.  He's still alert and smiling and talking but his body can no longer keep up.  Some have gone to see him and some have chosen not to because they want to remember him as he was.  I just want them all that your choice is valid.  We are still there for the families and helping them process all of this.  And I want you to keep in mind that we work in independent living, so it's not like we are withholding care if we chose not to go.  But it's a tough choice to make.

I am hoping to get to see him when I get back to work.  But, either way, I will do whatever I can to make this end to his life's journey as comfortable and dignified for both him and his family.  

So ends today's episode of The Continuing Adventures of Just a Waiter.  That is all

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