Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Changing some spending ways

 One of the things I am learning as a single adult on my own now is, truly, the value of the dollar and how my spending habits are beginning to change.  Part of that is out of necessity.  I pay all of my own bills now and so far, (knock on wood) I have managed to pay them on time. There is a great sense of pride knowing that I can take care of myself when I need to and still have some money left over for other essentials like gas and groceries.  I mentioned the other day on Facebook that I have developed a budget for myself and that I am determined to stick with it. I really believe that I can do it. It may take a few months to be able to stay on track simply because of keeping watch on what I spend on groceries and such and creating a standard amount to base my budget off of.  But, I will get there.

Another thing, though, that I am really starting to understand now is the importance of patience when it comes to spending money. Yes, I treat myself to things now and then.  But I pay for them with my money and not my credit.  I save my credit now for crisis situations and not on unnecessary items of pleasure. But what I am learning, or relearning actually, is that it is much more satisfying to buy something when I can afford it. When I have saved up and can splurge some on something I want.  I say relearn because mostly in my childhood we had to save up for things if we wanted them.  There was no instant gratification shopping in those days.  We saved up for things we wanted.  And there was no greater feeling than going into a store, getting exactly what I wanted and putting my own money down on the counter to pay for it.  Money I'd earned doing chores or mowing lawns. The purchase was so much sweeter that way.  

Now I understand that.  There are so many things that I would like to have but do not exactly need.  So now I can spend my money wiser and build up my savings so that when something comes along that I am really interested in, I can either already afford it or have a goal set to get it. And if it is meant to be, then the item will still be available once I've saved.  Dad was always of the philosophy that if you don't have the money for it, you don't need it.  Mom was more of if she wanted it, she'd get it....most times.  Most of my adult life spending has been patterned after Mom but I am working my way over to Dad's ideals.  I get it now.  I wish I had really understood it earlier in my life but that is all water under the bridge now. 

I will go someplace like Ebay now and find something I like and I will keep track of my money. If it's still there once I've saved enough, I will get it.  Or I will go out shopping with a specific budget and find something fun that way.  Either way, it will be my own money and my own treasure.  It may take a long time to save up but the pay off will be so much more worth it.

That is all.

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