Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Checking another item off of my antiques bucket list


Several years ago, I wrote a blog entry listing 10 antiques I wanted to own someday.  With the purchase of my soup tureen, I can now check one more item off of my list.  Only seven items left to go LOL I just fell in love with this piece.  I saw it the weekend before last when Travis and I went to Twin Deer Antiques Mall in High Point.  I kept coming back to it and then ultimately decided not to buy it.  I was checking the piece out and felt what I thought was a chip in the lid.  So, I left it behind. 

But all week I could not get it out of my head.  I kept thinking about it.  I looked it up on Ebay when I just searched for "vintage yellow soup tureen".  This actually popped up along with a lot of other tureens.  When I saw it was California pottery, I added that to my search as well.  The ones just like this that showed in the results were often incomplete.  Usually, it was the underplate that was missing.  I did find it in several different colors:  white, green, orange, teal.  I loved the shape of it.  Interestingly, another style of tureen that came up in the results was the one that Grandmother had that started my desire to have one.  So that was an unexpected connection for me. Several years ago, I would have bought the one that was just like hers in order to recreate that memory of hers sitting on the dining room table.  But my tastes have evolved some and I decided that having a tureen was enough of a similarity and I should go with what I loved.  Hence, this beautiful yellow soup tureen.

So, now it's time to start searching for the next item to check off of my antiques bucket list.  I'm interested to see what presents itself to me at the right time...just like the tureen did.

That is all. 

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