Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day


Today is Mother's Day.  It's the official day each year that we celebrate the wonderful women who are our mothers. Not that we don't celebrate them all year long, but it is nice to have a day of worldwide recognition. It is a day to remember not only the women who gave us life, but all of the other mother figures we have had in our lives.  I have been blessed to have many in my life.  I have had many wonderful people who have taken on a maternal role with me at one time or another.  While no one will ever replace Mary B. in my heart, it's been a comfort to have the support and love of so many other women in my life.

I am part of a very special group of people.  We all had or have the best mom in the world.  The older I become the more I realize how important and unique this is.  Lots of people out there were not fortunate to have the greatest mom and those of us who experienced the unconditional love of a mother are truly blessed.  I often talk about growing up on Brookgreen Drive and what a group of Mother's we had as kids.  Mary B., Kay Goodson, Ann Arnold, Kay Parker, Judy Davis, Gail Derrick. This was an extraordinary group of women that set amazing examples for all of us.  We may not have known it at the time, but we can look back and see the wisdom in their hearts. Throughout my life there have been many other amazing mothers that I have encountered, too many to name.  And now many of my friends are mothers.  That just blows my mind.  But I watch them in their journeys of motherhood and see the love and care they exude, and I know how comforting that is to all that receive it. 

Today is the 29th Mother's Day I have spent without Mom. While that number seems large, it feels just like yesterday that she was here with us.  And I am truly thankful for the 20 Mother's Days I did get to spend with her.  While I would give anything for one more day, I would not trade the ones I had with her for anything in the world.  I have had no truer inspiration in my life, and I carry her in my heart every day. 

Happy Mother's Day to all!

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