Wednesday, May 15, 2024

My next class

 I only have two classes left to take for my degree.  One will be this coming fall and the other one will be next summer.  The one next summer will be my capstone project.  I just did not have it in me to get everything together that I needed to get it done this summer so it will be next year.  And I am completely ok with that.  The capstone project is really the only hands-on experience that I will get in this degree program, and I do not want to waste that opportunity.  

So, I am looking at taking my other class this fall.  The one that I am interested in is a class on Elder Law.  I actually started the class my first semester, but it was too much for me. The class itself was not too much but it was my first semester in school, and I was getting used to the online class format.  I was also taking a required course in theory.  That was a very tough class, and it was just too much for my brain to handle at the time. I made the decision to drop the elder law course in hopes that I would be able to take it again.  And now, the opportunity has presented itself and I look forward to it!

I have always been interested in estate law, which is part of elder law. But I know there is so much more to it than that and I am excited to learn. In senior living, we do keep a handful of legal documents on file for our residents in independent living.  I know what they are for, but I am hoping this class will better teach me as to how exactly they are used.  I know some things but here's a lot more out there for me to learn.  It's been a while since I have been excited about a class, so this is going to be great for me!  And then only one thing left.  Yippee!!!!  I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Let's just hope I get into the class before it fills up LOL

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