Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Starting to look ahead after graduation next year

 Someone asked me the other day what I wanted to do after I graduate with my master's degree.  And to be honest, I do not know.  I really don't.  The opportunities for people who work with the elderly are growing rapidly because that section of our society is growing rapidly.  The key for me is going to be finding something that I really enjoy and going down that path.  I have a little over a year before I graduate so it is time to start figuring all of this out.

One of the things that I need to deal with first is the fear of having the same thing happen to me as when I got my BSW.  NOTHING!!!  I was not able to do anything with that degree.  It now sits in the bottom of a box out in the garage.  The only thing it got me was debt LOL I am so afraid that this degree will be the same kind of experience for me that it gets hard for me to look ahead sometimes. So, I really am going to have to deal with my feelings about my undergraduate degree and then let that go. I think that is the only way I can move forward.

I am definitely going to have to start doing some research.  Research into different kinds of careers open to gerontologists.  I already know that I love senior living, so that is always an option.  But there are so many more varied jobs out there that I have no idea about.  I think that out there somewhere is the perfect fit for me.  It is simply a matter of finding it.  I can do that. I know I can.  I just need to put forth the effort.  While there is always a chance that the right opportunity will present itself to me, there is always a chance that it won't.  I need to be control of my own career.  That may be the only path I have to follow and if I do not step up to the challenge, this degree will go in the box with the other one.  It's an exciting challenge for me and I am looking forward to it.

That is all. 

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