Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Daily Challenge Update

 Here I am in week 3 of my daily challenge for May:  don't put it down, put it away.  Let me tell you, it's made quite a difference.  I love coming home from work and not seeing random stuff all around the house.  I love waking up in the morning to a clean(ish) kitchen.  The counter tops are relatively clear, and the dishes are all washed. I am definitely a creature of habit, and this challenge is doing a good job of changing some of my habits. Each night after dinner, I make sure that I clean up after myself thoroughly.  All of the food is put away and I make sure the dishes are put in the dishwasher. Or, if the dishwasher is full, I will just handwash them.  BTW, sometimes I let my dishes stay in the dishwasher for a while once they are done unless I really need something.  I don't often use the special drying cycle on the dishwasher, so this lets them have longer to air dry and that is helpful. It' just nice to be developing better housekeeping habits like this.  In the end, it saves me time and frustration from cleaning and sorting massive amounts of stuff that hasn't been put away.  So, I plan on keeping this up definitely.  It's amazing how something so seemingly small can have a good impact on my life. 

That is all. 

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