Friday, May 10, 2024

Daily Challenge Update

 Even though it has only been a few days since I established my challenge for May, I can already tell a difference in the way the house looks day to day and the way I feel about that.  Like I mentioned in my initial post, a clean looking kitchen in the morning is a beautiful thing.  Not that it's spotless by any means, but it is definitely an improvement. Now each night after dinner I make sure that the dirty dishes are either in the dishwasher or washed by hand. Sometimes I have let a few dishes soak overnight in the sink because they really need it and that's fine by me. It's just nice to get up and make my coffee without looking at all of that clutter spread across the counters!

I have also started putting away my work things when I come each day from work. I used to just fling everything on the dining room table and leave it there til the next morning.  While it was not really in the way, it made the table look pretty messy.  And you all know how much I love how my dining room table looks!  So, that has been a plus.  And it's good for me, when I get home, to make sure I put my work stuff away before doing anything else once I'm home.  It's a good routine for me. So, so far so good on the challenge front.  Let's hope I can keep it up!  That is all. 

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